Page 105 of Home Sweet Mess

“Just that we want something small and relatively soon,” Lauren said, blushing. “We talked about June, right after Andrew graduates. We decided the wedding party and that’s about it. That reminds me—Logan? My friend, Emma, will be a bridesmaid. She’s single, and I think you’d really like her. I thought maybe we could introduce you two before the wedding.”

Jeni’s foot stopped moving.

Logan leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “Oh. Yeah, sure.”

Lauren smiled.

He felt Jeni’s stare on the back of his head like heated laser beams. Why had he agreed to that?

“Actually,” he said, his voice coming out too loud. “Sorry. But I, um, don’t think that’s necessary.”

Andrew cocked his head sideways. “Why? You seeing someone? Is it that girl you told me about on Valentine’s Day?”

What was Jeni thinking right now?

Andrew and Lauren both looked at him with blank expressions, waiting. What was he supposed to do now?

“Well, yeah.” He rubbed his palm across his thigh.

A firm hand pressed against his lower back. Jeni was either warning him to stop talking, or…he didn’t really know what else.

Too bad. “We’re kind of just friends but sometimes a little more, and she’s incredible. She’s different from any woman I’ve ever met, and we share so many of the same interests it’s almost scary. She makes me mad and makes me laugh, and I honestly can’t picture my life without her. She believes in things with such passion and won’t move an inch in her opinions unless you prove her wrong, and then she’ll admit defeat and say she’s sorry. She’s so beautiful sometimes it’s hard to breathe when she’s around, and I’m ridiculously in love with her.”

Lauren and Andrew stared at him, Andrew’s jaw almost on the floor.

Jeni’s hand no longer touched him.

Logan cleared his throat in the silence. “So, thanks for thinking of me, Lauren, but I’m good.”

Jeni jumped to her feet. “I need some air.”

Logan leapt up and followed her, throwing a “Be right back,” over his shoulder.

She burst through the front door and onto the front porch. Logan joined her and shut the door behind them. Jeni’s hands went to her hips, and she took two steps down into the grass.

“Where are you going?” Logan asked from the porch.

She shook her head, walking in circles. “I can’t…I don’t…” She let out a frustrated growl. “Just—stop. Stop saying nice things and accepting me for who you think I am. Stop trying to make me love you!” she said brokenly, finally facing him with pained eyes. “Can’t you see it’s done? I tried to fight it, and it happened anyway. You made me love you, and now we’ll both be miserable for the rest of our lives.”

Logan stepped down to meet her, unable to enjoy that this was the first time she’d said she loved him. “Why? Why will that make us miserable?”

“B-because.” Her voice trembled.

Logan took her hand. He could see the love in her eyes, warring with frustration and fear.

He did the only thing he could and dropped to one knee before her.

She covered her mouth, pulling her hand away and backing up two steps, her head slowly moving side to side.

“Jeni,” he said softly, with a hint of desperation. “Marry me. Please.”

Her chest rose and fell with each breath. “You’re proposing?”


“That wasn’t our deal.”

“I know.” He rested one hand on his bent knee. “I can’t help it. I want more from you. I want everything.”