Page 104 of Home Sweet Mess

He grabbed the paper bag and walked to the door, knocking.

Lauren opened it, and music trickled through the doorway. “Hi! I’m so glad you came,” she said. Her big green eyes dropped to the bag in his hand. “What’d you bring?”

Logan grinned. “Just something for Andrew.”

“Well get in here then.”

The living room was right off the entry, and Logan immediately found Andrew on the couch. Jeni was nowhere to be seen.

Andrew stood and held out his hand. “Hey, man, you made it.”

Logan grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a loose hug, clapping him on the back. “It’s a big day.” He pulled back and shoved the brown bag at Andrew. “Got you something.”

“Yeah?” Andrew took it and sat down. “It’s heavy.”

Logan stood behind the couch to watch as Andrew carefully set the bag down at his feet and reached inside.

“Bourbon, a comb, licorice, and scissors? The bourbon’s awesome, but I’m not sure about the other three.”

Lauren joined Andrew on the couch and took the bottle of whisky, turning it over in her hands. “I like this bottle.”

“So did I,” Logan said. “The rest are all things you couldn’t use while you were on chemo, and soon you’ll need them again. Your hair will grow back, the smell of licorice won’t make you want to throw up, and you don’t have to worry about bleeding out if you accidentally cut yourself. You can get back to cutting out paper dolls or doilies or whatever you like to do in your spare time.”

Andrew and Lauren both laughed.

“That’s super weird but awesome at the same time. Thanks,” Andrew said.

“That’s so thoughtful,” came Jeni’s voice from behind him.

Logan turned and his heart leapt, lodging in his throat. She stood in the doorway, a few feet away, the picture of perfection. She wore a black tank top and fitted jeans, her bare feet shifting on the hardwood. Her long, silky, brown hair was down around her shoulders, and her glasses sat atop her freckled nose to frame her beautiful gold eyes.

She searched his face, lingering on his eyes. “Hi,” she said then smiled sadly and mouthed, “I miss you.”

“Hey,” he said, following up with a whispered, “Me too.” They seemed to miss each other often, which begged the question why they were apart so much.

“Come sit down, you two,” Andrew ordered.

With Lauren and Andrew on the couch, the only available places to sit were a loveseat and a comfortable-looking armchair. Logan chose the loveseat, expecting Jeni to take the chair.

Instead, she plopped down next to him, her thigh pressed against his.

He swallowed and glanced nervously at Andrew. Luckily, he was so focused on his new fiancée that he didn’t seem to notice.

“So how does it feel?” Logan asked.

“What, being cancer free?” Andrew replied. “Now I feel the same as the rest of you non-cancer patients, I guess.” Lauren elbowed him, and he grabbed her hand with a grin. “It feels fucking awesome.”

“You are fucking awesome,” Jeni countered. “That was a lot to go through and during law school, at that. I’m proud of you, old man.”

“I agree,” Lauren said. “But not about the old man part. I’m not marrying a senior citizen. Besides, I’m older than Andrew.”

“Barely,” Andrew scoffed.

She pursed her lips. “Still.”

Logan stiffened at the mention of marriage. Did Jeni notice? He was too afraid to look at her, especially right in front of her brother. His feelings would be written all over his face.

“So, any wedding details yet?” Jeni crossed her legs and swung her foot back and forth.