He added, “If anyone wishes to work with me on my campaign, let me know.” With that he sat down again.

Doc Randolph glanced around and asked, “Anyone else?”


“Then this meeting of the Virginia City Lincoln Club is adjourned.”

Eddy was impressed by Ezekiel Reynolds. Very impressed.

August asked Sylvie, “I wonder who put Brown up to this?”

She shrugged. “Someone looking to dilute our men’s votes probably. Who knows, but once again Whitman proves he’s an idiot. How about we forget about him and get something to eat?”

Everyone at their table agreed.

Zeke rejoined them and Eddy enjoyed his company and the food. There was fried chicken, potato salad, slaw, and a light as air angel food cake topped with sweet strawberries. She looked around for Jim Dade but didn’t see him. “Sylvia, do you think it might be okay if I went to the kitchen to thank Mr.Dade for the wonderful food? I really would like his recipe for this angel food cake.”

And from behind her, she heard, “Good afternoon everyone.”

It was Rhine. He was standing directly behind her high-­backed chair with his hands placed casually on the top rung. She was as aware of his nearness as she was her own breathing.

Sylvia smiled. “Hello, Rhine. You missed the meeting.”

“Intentionally. I’m done trying to defend my wing of the Republican party. I was flayed pretty badly at the last meeting here. How are you, Zeke?”




“I enjoyed our conversation at the market this morning. I’m looking forward to the marmalade.” His hands were still on her chair, and if she didn’t know better she’d think he was staking his claim. Seeing Zeke silently taking in Fontaine’s positioning gave her the sense that he might be thinking the same. She wanted to sock Mr.Green Eyes squarely in the nose.

Sylvie didn’t help matters by saying, “Is Jim in the kitchen? Eddy wants his recipe for this angel food cake.”

“He is. I can show you to the kitchen if you’d like, MissCarmichael.”

She could hardly tell him she’d changed her mind. She saw Cherry looking between them as if trying to determine what might be at play here. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Zeke in particular. He responded with a cool nod.

Rhine helped her with her chair. She tried not to see the interested eyes of the people in the room tracking their departure but it was impossible.

Once they cleared the kitchen doors she spun around. “How dare you embarrass me this way.”

He folded his arms. “Did you not wish to see the kitchen?”

“I wanted to. Alone. You stood over me like I was yours.”

“I was just being a good host.”

“You’re being the devil again.”

“Tempting you, am I?”

“Tempting me to take a skillet to your head,” she fumed, trying to rein in her temper. Only then did she see Jim standing near the stove. “Excuse me for yelling,” she said contritely. “I didn’t see you.”

“Carry on, please. Women don’t usually take a skillet to his head and I’m anxious to witness it, even if you have been stealing our customers and made me alter my menu because Amos Granger is selling you his entire catch on Thursdays.”

Momentarily stung by guilt, she said, “I had no idea you were the customer being shortchanged on the fish, but I’m not going to apologize for taking the customers.”