Jim said, “Nor should you. I understand Amos’s thinking though. He’s always been susceptible to beautiful women.”

His compliment left her embarrassed. “I just wanted to come in and say thank you for the food and see if you’d give me the recipe for the angel food cake. I make one but it’s not even close to this light. I’d love to have you make one for the auction.”

“I appreciate the praise. As I told you before, folks don’t usually seek me out to say thanks. They simply eat and leave.”

His attention centered fully on Eddy, Rhine countered, “And as I said, I tell you how great you are all the time.”

Jim rolled his eyes. “You should probably step away from him, MissEddy. Lightning may strike any minute, or would you rather I hand you a skillet?”

The reminder brought her back to her irritation with his business partner, but before she could light into Rhine again, he said, “My apology if I embarrassed you. As for you being mine. Having found you in the desert at death’s door makes me feel proprietary.”

Lord, she wished she knew how to make herself immune to him. “I appreciate your concern but it’s unnecessary.”

Ezekiel pushed through the doors, and Rhine asked coldly, “May I help you, Zeke?”

“I came to let MissCarmichael know we’re preparing to leave.”

“Thank you, Zeke. I was just on my way back to join you.” She gave Rhine her best glare.

He responded by saying, “Don’t forget my marmalade.”

“I’ll send it via post. Nice seeing you again, Mr.Dade.”

He was grinning. “Same here. I’ll get that recipe to you and think about the donation idea.”

“Thank you.”

Ezekiel offered her his arm. As she accepted, she watched Rhine’s green eyes darken. “Good day, Mr.Fontaine.”

He inclined his head.

She and Zeke exited.

After their departure, Jim looked at the scowl on Rhine’s face. “As I said, try harder.”

No response.

“I’m serious, Rhine.”

Knowing that Zeke Reynolds, a man Rhine very much respected, seemed taken with Eddy Carmichael, too, didn’t help Rhine’s mood, and he ran his hands down his face.

“Just let her be,” Jim added sagely.

Rhine left the kitchen, but instead of returning to the main room, he took the back stairway up to his office. Upon seeing Eddy at the market this morning, all he’d wanted to do was whisk her away so they could be alone. And although he hadn’t meant to embarrass her just now, he’d had an overriding urge to lay public claim to her as if he were a dragon and she his treasure. He just had to convince her.

Downstairs in the main room, the meeting was indeed breaking up. People were saying their good-­byes and gathering their belongings. Eddy stopped a few to remind them about the auction and they all pledged their participation.

“Eddy,” Sylvia said. “I promised Aretha Carter I’d stop by and help her with the plans for her and Edgar’s anniversary dinner. Would you mind walking back alone?”

“No. Not at all.”

August piped up. “Zeke and I are walking Cherry home, Eddy. You’re welcome to come along with us if want.”

“I’d like that. Sylvia, I’ll see you when you return.”

The four set out. August and Cherry walked in front while Eddy and Zeke brought up the rear.

“Is Fontaine bothering you?” Zeke asked.