He complied and made it back to the door as she continued moving at a snail’s pace.

“You’re perspiring, MissCarmichael.”

“I’m fine,” she said, breathing heavily.

Apparently he didn’t believe the lie because he set down the brazier and carpetbag and picked her up.

“Rhine. Put me down.”

“No. We want to get to Sylvia’s tonight, not next week... ” He paused. “That’s the first time you’ve ever used my given name.”

Looking up into his pleased and oh so wickedly handsome face, she fumbled for a reply, “I needed to get your attention.”

“You have it.”

The whispering began again, but this time it was plainer and far more distinct. What in heaven’s name was she supposed to do with an attraction to a man who was not only forbidden to her by law but engaged to be married as well?

His blazing gaze fixed on hers, he added softly, “If I deliver you all tuckered out and breathing hard, Sylvia will take a buggy whip to me.”

“And we can’t have that,” she somehow managed to say.

“No. As Jim pointed out this morning, I am far more afraid of her than of you—­or at least I was until now...”

Eddy’s heart began a now familiar pounding. “We should go.”

But for a moment he stood rooted, drinking her in, and she did the same to him.


She shook her head. “Let’s just go, please.” Whatever he intended to say would not negate the reality of who they were, nor their destinies.

There was now a hint of sadness in the eyes holding hers but he nodded understandingly. “Okay, but I owe you for telling me my tie was crooked.”

That made her laugh.

Smiling, he carried her out of the room.

As they got under way, Rhine glanced over. “Are you comfortable?”

“I am.”

It was a nice night and his mind played with the idea of driving out into the desert so they could sit, talk, and enjoy a few more hours of each other’s company, but he knew that was impossible. “I’m traveling to San Francisco tomorrow. I’ll be gone for a few days, so if you need assistance with anything have Sylvie send word to Jim.”

“I will. What is that noise?” It sounded like a giant slowly beating a mountain-­sized drum.

He explained the mining operations.

“And this goes on all day?” she asked.

“And all night, every day of the year.”

“How do people sleep?” She wondered why she hadn’t heard it earlier.

“You’ll get accustomed to it.” He could just make out her features in the dark but got the impression that she didn’t believe him.

When they arrived at Sylvie’s back door, he tied the horse to the post and came around to her side of the carriage.

She asked, “I suppose you’re going to insist on carrying me again?”