“I am.”

“I’m taking back my offer of sweets.”

“I think I’ll survive.” After handing her the carpetbag and brazier, he eased her slight weight into the cradle of his arm and set out in the darkness towards the door. Because it would be the last time, he allowed himself to enjoy holding her near.

Sylvie appeared under the light above the door. “Good evening. Come on in. Glad you didn’t make her walk, Rhine.”

“She’s been a perfect patient,” he lied, and saw the smile on Eddy’s face just before she turned away.

Sylvie ushered them through the large kitchen built onto the back of her place. “Her room is upstairs.”

Once there, he set her down on a large upholstered chair.

“Thanks, Rhine,” Sylvie said to him. “I know you have to get back. We don’t want to hold you.”

He only had eyes for Eddy while replying to Sylvia, “I told MissCarmichael I’ll be in San Francisco for a few days. When I return I’ll stop by and see how she’s faring.”

Sylvie nodded. “That’s very kind of you.”

“Take care of yourself, MissCarmichael.”

“I will, Mr.Fontaine, and thank you again for your kindness.”

Rhine wanted to linger, but having no legitimate reason to do so, he instead inclined his head in good-­bye. “Have a good evening, ladies.” And he departed.