“Just thinking about how good you are in bed.”

“There’s not a man alive who doesn’t like hearing that.”

“It’s the truth, but don’t let it swell your head. Sooner or later I’ll find something you’re terribleat.” She turned to get a look at his face. “What are you terrible at?”

“Nothing that I know of.”

She playfully punched him in the shoulder before resettling against the comfort of his chest. “Such modesty.”

“You asked.”

“Which I now regret.”

Garrett wanted to spend the rest of his days holding her in just this way. Although he still had a few days to enjoy her company, he was missing her already. If the future was kind, he’d return, and over time have all his questions about her answered. Any she had about him would be answered, as well. Outside, he heard the rumble of thunder. “Does it storm this way often?”

“More in the spring and autumn than the rest of the year.”

She asked, “Do you hunt and fish?”

“I do, but why’d you ask?”

“Just thinking about some things we might do together. Would you like to go fishing with me when you return?”

“I would.”

He saw her nod. She was so unique. He’d never had a woman ask him that before. “Do you have a favorite place?”

“I do. It’s a small cabin up in the foothills. I do most of my hunting from there.”

He wondered how many men, if any, had been gifted such an invitation, but again he decided it didn’t matter. She’d chosen him for now, so he contented himself with holding her close and listening to the rain.