Spring wasn’t sure how she felt about that. One part of herself embraced the idea. Other parts were concerned about the reasons.

He continued, “A bit has to do with you, but it’s mostly because I like the freedom I find here. Porter James has offered me a job, so I’ll be able to make a living. I’d eventually look into buying a small plot of land and building me a house.”

She thought about the implications. “I’m not looking to marry, Garrett.”

“Not expecting that. I’m content with whatever we’re calling this for as long as it lasts. If it comes undone, I’ll still want to set my life here.”

Their eyes met and she said quietly, “I just wanted to make that clear.”

“I understand. I’m not putting any expectations on you or the future.”

“Good. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

He placed a kiss on her brow. “I appreciate your honesty.”

“How long do you think it will take to put your affairs in order back at home?”

“I don’t know. There isn’t much to do really. My parents are going to voice their concerns, so that will be the biggest thing to contend with.”

“They’ll probably worry about you being so far away.”

“I know. We’ve lived fairly close to each since Freedom.”

“They’ll miss you, too.”

“And I’ll miss them, as well.”

Where would they be in a year? she wondered. Still cuddling together like this or having gone their separate ways? Only the future would tell so she left it at that.

“Who should I speak with about buying land?”

“Arnold Cale at the bank, or Odell. He and Ben own most of the unoccupied land. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but Jarvis stopped by earlier and wanted to buy some of my land. Said he wants to open a sawmill.”

“Are you selling?”

“No, but he also said Matt Ketchum is accusing me of having stolen the land from his father’s estate.”

“Do you have a deed?”

“Spoken like a lawyer. I do, and so do the others who purchased the bigger parts I couldn’t afford.”

“Like whom?”

“Nelson, Odell, and Ben. I’m wondering if Jarvis said anything to them about Matt’s lies.”

“Are you worried?”

“Not really. Randolph Nelson is one of the wealthiest ranchers in the Territory and the head of the Republican party. If Matt takes me on, he’ll have to take on Randolph, too, and he’d be a fool to try and run roughshod over someone that influential.”

“I agree but let me know if you need my help. I may not have liked being a lawyer but I’m good at it.”

“I will.”

“Sounds like the sooner I get home, the sooner I need to get back, if Ketchum’s bent on trouble.”

She agreed and it would be a lie to say she wouldn’t miss him. Becoming attached to him was one of the most surprising things to happen to her in quite some time. That and learning from him that sex was a form of art. She smiled.

“Why the smile?”