Claret screeched and reared back, her eyes as red as Dominic’s blood.
“It’s time to go,” Ava said and began to chant, her voice pitched low. When she held out her hand, a pair of silver shackles materialized in her palm.
Dominic hissed with pain as she locked them in place. Another bit of magic put a pair of thick gloves on Claret’s hands.
“How do I explain knowing the exact location of the stronghold?” Claret asked.
“Just tell him a black witch gave you a magical amulet. Like this one,” Ava said, as she dropped a gold chain that held a large, clear stone around the vampire’s neck.
“What am I supposed to do?” Maddy asked.
“I want you to follow us, but stay out of sight. I may need to call on your power for backup if the Elder Knight’s magic proves too strong.”
* * *
Dominic, Maddy, and Claret followed Ava through the thick darkness, a darkness that seemed to grow more impenetrable with each footstep. Although Dominic couldn’t see anything other than the looming silhouettes of trees on every side, he could sense the dark magic hovering in the air, threatening to smother him. He quietly cursed Claret for taking so much blood. It had, indeed, weakened him, as did the shackles burning the skin on his wrists. But his main worry was for Maddy. They shouldn’t have let her come along. The scent of her blood tickled his nostrils, increasing the hunger rising within him.
A few miles later, Ava whispered a magical incantation that revealed the outer walls of the stronghold. Made of dark gray stone, it resembled a medieval castle, complete with turrets.
“Not so big as the old one,” Ava whispered. “Maddy, stay back.”
“So what do we do now?” Dominic asked. “Knock on the door?”
“It won’t be necessary,” Ava said, and vanished from sight.
Her words still hung in the air when one of the double doors swung open and a Knight appeared, a lantern in one hand, a sword in the other. Surprise flickered in his eyes when he saw Claret and Dominic. “What the hell!”
“I demand to see the Elder Knight,” Claret said imperiously. “I’ve brought him a gift.”
“Follow me.”
Dominic glanced around as they trailed the Knight into the center of a large, open area paved with stones. Twelve Knights were gathered there, some standing, some sitting on wooden benches. Torches burned at intervals, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the men.
There was a shift in the air as the Elder Knight stepped out of a doorway to Dominic’s left. If he was surprised to see them, it didn’t show. “Claret, isn’t it?” He strode toward her, eyes glittering. “How did you find this place?”
“It wasn’t easy,” Claret replied with a toss of her head. “First, I had to capture his woman and then I had to convince him that I would slowly drain her dry if he refused to cooperate with me. Once I knew what state you were in, I found a witch I could trust.” The amulet around her neck glowed softly when she touched it. “She gave me this to guide me the rest of the way. Of course, I have no intention of letting the girl live,” she said with a wolfish grin. “She’ll be a tasty treat when I get back home.”
Dominic growled low in his throat.
The Elder Knight’s gaze flicked to him briefly, then back to Claret. “You must want something of me, else you would not be here. What is it?”
She lifted one shoulder in a negligent shrug. “I was hoping for an exchange of favors.”
“I’ve grown rather fond of Jasper. I was hoping you would remove the spell and return him to his own form. In exchange, I’ll give you the vampire, as long as you let me take his blood before he dies.”
“And what’s to stop me from destroying you both here and now?”
A wave of dark magic flooded the area.
Claret smiled as all the Knights suddenly collapsed.
All but the Elder Knight, who appeared momentarily stunned. To Claret’s amazement, he shook it off and then reached for her. She danced out of his way as a sword appeared in Dominic’s hand. In a blur of movement, he drove the blade through the Elder Knight’s heart.
For a moment, the Elder Knight stood there, his mouth open in a silent scream of pain and surprise before the light went out of his eyes and he toppled to the ground.
Ava appeared at Dominic’s side. A word dissolved the shackles that bound him. “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. Are you all right?”