He nodded, his eyes going red as he stared at the crimson stream leaking from the Elder Knight’s chest. Dead blood, but still warm. Fueled by the violence and the scent of hot, fresh blood, his hunger roared to life, clawing at his vitals, hot and swift and undeniable.
He was reaching for the Knight when Maddy came running toward him. “Oh, Dominic, I’m so glad . . .”
The words died in her throat when he caught her in his arms.
Ava screamed, “No!” as he sank his fangs into Maddy’s neck.
But he was beyond hearing, beyond caring, as his preternatural blood lust burned out of control. Only when Maddy’s heartbeat slowed and became erratic did he realize what he’d done.
But by then, it was too late.
Chapter 39
With Maddy still in his arms, Dominic dropped to the ground as the horror of what he’d done—what he had always feared he would do—became a reality.
Kneeling beside him, Ava laid a tentative hand on his shoulder. “Dominic. Dominic! Look at me.”
He stared at her, his eyes red and haunted.
“She’s not gone yet. There’s still time to save her.” Ava held out her arm. “Drink quickly. Are you listening to me? There’s still time to save her.”
“What if she doesn’t want this?”
“We don’t have time to worry about that now. Drink!”
Moving woodenly, he took hold of Ava’s arm and bit into her wrist. Witch blood. Family or not, it was always bitter. He took only a little, then bit into his own wrist and held the bleeding wound to Maddy’s lips. Voice thick with unshed tears, he whispered, “Drink, love. Drink and come back to me.”
He watched as his blood dripped into her mouth, felt a wave of relief when she swallowed, once, twice, three times, before taking hold of his arm.
Dominic closed his eyes as she drank, hating himself for what he’d done, praying she would forgive him in time.
As her heartbeat grew steady, her face less pale, he pulled his wrist away and took her into his arms. She sighed once and then tumbled into the dark sleep.
When she woke tomorrow night, she would no longer be wholly human, nor wholly vampire.
“Well,” Claret said, “I didn’t see that coming.” She glanced at the Knights, still trapped in Ava’s spell. “What are you going to do with them?”
“I’m going to erase their oath to hunt and destroy Dominic and his people and replace it with another directive.”
Claret’s eyes narrowed. “Such as?”
“What do you think?”
“You wouldn’t! Isn’t it bad enough that ordinary hunters are constantly after us?”
“It won’t change much. The Knights already destroy your kind when they find them. At the moment, it’s just a sideline. In the future, killing your kind will be their main focus.”
Claret snorted. “You can’t work your magic on every Knight in the country.”
“That’s true. But I’ve chosen a new Elder Knight from this group. He’ll instruct the others.”
Screaming her rage, Claret lunged at Ava with murder in her eyes, let out a shriek as the witch summoned a sharp wooden stake to her hand.
Before Ava could strike, Dominic was there. Wresting the stake from Ava, he shoved Claret out of the way. “Enough!” he roared. His gaze darted from witch to vampire and back again. “I won’t have you kill her. I’ve had enough of death and destruction. I’m calling a truce between the three of us. Claret, you will never again destroy my kind or imprison them for your sustenance. And you . . .” He turned his angry gaze on Ava. “You will alter your directive and forbid the Knights to hunt in New Orleans because our kind are also there. Agreed?”
Witch and vampire glared at each other, their hatred a palpable presence.
Jaw clenched, Claret nodded sullenly.