He turned around as Maddy’s scent grew closer, along with the faint scuff of her tentative footsteps.
A moment later, she rounded a bend in the road, then came to an abrupt halt when she saw the look on Dominic’s face. He wasn’t glad to see her. Ava looked amused. Claret was nowhere in sight.
Eyes narrowed, Dominic said, “You promised me that you’d stay home.”
“I know.”
“So what are you doing here?”
“And how did you find us?” Ava asked.
“From you,” Dominic said.
Ava frowned at him and then said, “Oh. I let it slip, didn’t I?”
“How did you find this place?” Dominic asked.
“I booked a flight to the nearest city, and when the plane landed, I rented a car. Once I got here, I followed the lingering signature of Ava’s magic on the path and . . .” Maddy shrugged one shoulder. “And here I am.”
“Well done,” Ava said with a grin.
“Well done, indeed,” Dominic muttered.
“Where’s Claret?” Maddy asked, looking around.
“She’s resting,” Ava said. Then, glancing at Dominic, she added, “Don’t just stand there, boy. Give the girl a hug.”
Muttering under his breath, Dominic closed the distance between himself and Maddy and drew her into his arms. “I’m still mad at you.”
“I know.” Smiling, she went up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “But you won’t stay mad, will you?”
“Not with you in my arms.”
Ava rolled her eyes. “All right, people, can we get back to the matter at hand?”
* * *
When Claret joined them that evening, Ava laid out her plan.
“Are you crazy?” Claret exclaimed. “Last time I saw the Elder Knight, he almost took my head.”
“You’re the one who wanted in on this,” Ava reminded her. “And don’t worry, I’ll have your back.”
Claret snorted. “That’s not very comforting.”
“If you want out, just say so. We’ll think of something else.”
“All right, I’m in. But only if Dominic lets me drink from him before I go.”
“Fine,” he said. “As long as you stop when I tell you to.”
“Wait a minute,” Ava said. “I think you should let her drink enough that it actually weakens you a little. The Elder Knight will be able to sense it. It might help explain how she got you here.”
Claret grinned as she folded her hands over Dominic’s shoulders and bent her head to his neck.
Maddy tried to look away but couldn’t. There was something almost sensual in Claret’s expression as she drank. And drank. She cast an anxious glance at Ava when Dominic’s skin paled.
“Enough!” Ava said. And when Claret refused to stop, Ava made a fist, then quickly opened her hand, unleashing a flame of fire that singed the vampire’s skin.