“Hmm. I know when I’m not wanted.” Rising, she flounced out of the room.
“Listen, Maddy,” Dominic said, taking Ava’s place in the chair, “there’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about. I don’t know how this happened . . .”
“How do you even know about it? You were asleep.”
“I don’t know, but I did. Like I was saying, don’t let it upset you. I’ll block my thoughts and it’ll be as if it never happened.”
Looking doubtful, she nodded.
Dominic sat back, suddenly troubled by a new thought. Maybe what was happening to Maddy had nothing to do with his blood and everything to do with the black mist Ava had seen.
* * *
Pleading a headache, Maddy left Ava’s house. At home, she plopped down on the sofa and pulled a fuzzy throw over her lap, wishing she had a cup of hot chocolate to warm her insides.
She let out a startled gasp when a cup suddenly appeared on the coffee table in front of her. A cup filled with steaming hot chocolate.
She was dreaming, she thought, and pinched herself. It hurt. And the cup, when she reached for it, was all too real. How was that possible? Feeling suddenly cold all over, she pulled the blanket up to her chin.
What was happening to her?
And how could she stop it?
Chapter 23
First thing in the morning, after a sleepless night, Maddy drove to Ava’s house.
The witch answered the door in a fluffy white robe and furry slippers. “Maddy, come on in. I’ve been expecting you.”
Maddy frowned as she followed Ava into the living room. How had Ava known she was coming? She hadn’t known it herself until she got into the car.
“Sit down, dear.”
Maddy took a place on the sofa. Ava took the chair.
“So, Maddy, I take it you’re here because of what happened last night.”
She didn’t bother to ask how Ava knew. “Yes. What’s happening to me?”
“I’m not exactly sure why it’s happening, but apparently some of my magic has been transferred to you.”
Feeling suddenly cold all over, Maddy stared at Ava, open-mouthed.
“I know, dear. I’m a little surprised myself. And I have no idea how it’s possible. The only thing I can think of is that it’s blood-related. Dominic has tasted yours. He’s also tasted mine. And you’ve tasted his.”
“Does he tell you everything?”
“Not everything,” Ava said. “The three-way exchange of blood is the only explanation I can think of.”
“But . . . am I a witch now?”
“It certainly seems that way. Just how powerful you are remains to be seen.”
Alarmed, Maddy asked, “Am I a vampire, too?”
“No, dear. If you were, you’d be lost in the dark sleep now.”
“Like Dominic.” As soon as the thought crossed her mind, an image of Dominic lying in bed covered by that blue sheet flashed across her mind once again. Rising on shaky legs, she said, “I need to go home.”