“That’s what I want to know!”
“Come in, child.”
Maddy hesitated a moment before crossing the threshold.
Ava shut the door behind her. “Have you had visions of Dom before?”
“No. At least, I don’t think so. He’s here, isn’t he? In bed, asleep?”
“Yes.” Ava waved her toward the sofa. “Have a seat. I was just brewing a pot of tea. Would you like a cup?”
“Afraid I’ll add more than sugar?”
With a shrug, Ava disappeared into the kitchen. She returned shortly carrying two large ceramic mugs. She set one on the coffee table in front of Maddy, then sank into the overstuffed chair across from her.
Maddy glanced at the cup, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“There’s nothing in it but herb tea and a bit of honey,” Ava said. “Dominic would never forgive me if I offered you anything else.”
Somewhat reassured, Maddy lifted the cup and took a taste.
“I’m not sure how to explain this link between you . . .” Ava paused, and a look of comprehension flashed in her eyes. “Of course! He’s tasted your blood before. And you’ve tasted his, haven’t you? That’s the only answer that makes sense. The potion somehow intensified the bond between you. Combined with the blood in the potion, it’s formed some kind of odd connection.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Neither do I, but it’s the only explanation. As for your memory . . .” Ava made a dismissive motion with her hand. “I can’t explain that either.”
“So, from now on, I’ll always know where he is and what he’s doing? Is that what you’re saying?”
“Not at all, although I suppose it’s possible, unless he blocks you.”
“Can he do that?”
Maddy nodded slowly, thinking that was the best news she’d heard all day. “Does he know this is happening to me?”
“I don’t know. I would imagine so.”
Maddy stared at Ava in horror. It was disconcerting, having images of Dominic pop into her mind. What if he’d been in the shower? Or changing clothes? Heat flushed her cheeks. How embarrassing would that have been! “How long will it last?”
Ava shrugged one shoulder. “I have no idea. I’ve never heard of anything like this happening before.”
“Just my luck,” Maddy muttered under her breath. “Can you make it stop?”
“Probably. But it would be easier to simply ask Dom to block you.”
“But then he’ll know!”
“He already knows,” Dominic said as he stepped into the room.
Blushing furiously, Maddy pressed her hands to her cheeks, wishing she could crawl under the rug.
Dominic threw Ava a look. “Do you mind?”