He nodded as we came to a stop at the beginning of the hall because Odette and a mass of other staff were taking down the Christmas decorations alongside Wolfgang. She was even on a ladder.
“Why is she doing that?” We have people for that. She’d even been dead set on helping decorate.
“Apparently, it is her method of bonding with the palace help,” he answered for me.
“She might actually be making them more nervous.” I grinned.
“Mirabelle, can you make sure all of these are labeled next time? And Jameson, I like these ribbons. Can you make sure we save them and reuse them for something else?” she called out. Each time she said their names, they either jumped or stood a bit shocked for a split second before rushing to do what she said.
She was really dead set on remembering all of their names.
Walking downstairs, they looked at me, but I held my finger to my mouth, telling them not to say anything and to go on as if I weren’t here. Pushing Wolfgang to the side, I took his spot, holding the ladder behind her.
One by one, she handed me ornaments, and because I was slightly distracted as she stretched and reached for a new one, I didn’t catch the one she passed down, and it dropped, shattering across the marble.
“Wolfgang!” She gasped, turning back to see me instead. Surprised, her foot slipped, and she nearly fell, but I caught her, wrapping my arms around her and bringing her down to me.
“Forgive me, ma’am, I make horrible help.” I grinned and kissed her lips.
She smacked my arm when I set her onto her feet, quickly looking around, but the help had scattered.
“Look what you did! They’ve run,” she said to me.
“They will return. Come, let’s do something fun to lift my spirits,” I said, taking her hand.
“Why do you need them lifted?” she said, allowing me to drag her along with me.
“Didn’t you hear? I’m being protested.” I rolled my eyes.
“Let’s not talk about it anymore,” I replied, hugging her. “Where do you want to go? Where can I take you?”
“I go wherever my king wants.” She giggled.
“Good answer!” I replied, lifting her up and taking her up the stairs. “To the bedroom it is!”
“Gale!” She laughed, holding me.
“The holiday is not officially over until tomorrow! Let’s go out with a bang!”
His business phone was going crazy on the table as he took a shower. It stopped and then started all over again. We’d only been…distracted for two hours. What could have possibly happened? Was it the protest?
“Gale, your phone? I think it’s important,” I said, taking it and walking into the bathroom.
He stood under the showerhead, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t distracted by the water dripping down his whole body. And he knew it because he turned and grinned, staring directly at me as he stood in the stream.
“You’re staring, baby.” He’d taken to calling me baby now whenever…he caught me ogling him. “Come in. You can even touch, too.”
I rolled my eyes. “Your phone is going off. I think you are needed, Your Majesty.”
“Read it for me?” he said, cleaning off his face.
“You sure?”
“It’s most likely about the protest. It will be better coming from your lips. I won’t be as annoyed.”
“Fine,” I said, unlocking it to see the messages from Balduin. I tapped the first one and opened my mouth to read it aloud; however, my eyes read faster, and I could barely speak as the shock came over.