Oh my God!

“Odette, what is it?”

The words wouldn’t come out as I looked up at him with my mouth wide open. He stepped out of the shower, quickly coming to me, taking the phone from my hand, dripping wet.

“Oh my God.” He gaped. “I have to go. I need to call the team now.”

“Go!” I nodded for him.

There was going to be a fallout from this. How could there not be? I couldn’t believe it…Sabina was dead.

The Morning Eagle

Tuesday, January 2nd

“Tragic, Short life of Sabina Franziska”

Daughter of former beloved Prime Minister, Sir Adam J. Franziska, who passed away ten years ago, leaving her parentless at twenty as her mother had died of suicide when she was only twelve, is now dead.

She sought love with the Count of Gormsey…only for her to be tricked, lied to, and used for his own dignity. Eventually, he grew tired of her and left her for another man.

She thought she would get another chance at love with the then Prince Galahad. But palace protocol would not accept a divorcee who also had rumored fertility issues.

The prince, too, would leave her in the cold…marrying a pretty American heiress to have their own happily ever after.

Rumor says that he, the king, now bothered by her presence, may have even pushed a member of the press to slander her even more so.

May the peace and love she failed to receive in life be given to her in death.

Sabina Franziska, dead at the young age of thirty.

She leaves behind…no one.

She is in our thoughts and prayers.

Chapter 19

“Witnesses saw her car swerve. She hit the divider and drove right into a storefront. She survived but was later pronounced dead at the local hospital,” Wolfgang explained to me as he read from his tablet. “We don’t have any official statement from the police yet, but some reporter managed to find out that they did collect an empty bottle of vodka from the front seat.”

“Was anyone in the store?” Elspeth asked on the edge of her seat, eyes wide.

He shook his head. “No, ma’am. Luckily, it was still closed for the holiday, but the shopkeeper told reporters at the scene that he was grateful at least that it didn’t happen there twenty minutes earlier; he was there with his granddaughter to pick up the stuffed giraffe she had left behind.”

“That’s good—at least she didn’t take anyone with her.” Arabella huffed, shaking her head as she lifted her cake. “Poor girl. What a tragic waste of a young life.”

“I still can’t believe it,” I whispered, hugging myself. Just yesterday, we were speaking of her. This morning I was annoyed with her, wishing she’d go away…and just like that, she is gone?”

“That is how death works, my dear,” Arabella replied, waving her spoon at me. “Believe me, I know, I’ve lost children, a grandson, too. There is no preparing for it. Never any warning. One minute everyone is there, then the next, they are gone.”

It reminded me of my dad. Not that Sabina meant even close to that to me. Just the suddenness of how death could hit bothered me…scared me.

“Ma’am, I don’t know if I should say it…”

“You’ve already said it by saying that,” Arabella cut him off despite the fact Wolfgang was speaking to me. “Get on with it.”

He looked at me, and I nodded for him to go on.

“There are some people online already claiming…it was a hit job by the royal family.”