He bowed once before stepping back and bowing his head.

Dialing, I got up and sat on the desk, lifting the photo as I waited for her to answer.


“Hi, Mom.” I smiled. It had been two weeks since I’d heard from her. “I’m sorry I haven’t called more.”

“Kings do not apologize—”

“Mother,” I whined. “I’m not calling as a king. Just your son. A son should apologize when he’s neglecting his parents.”

“You’re not being neglectful, silly. We are having a ball here, relaxing for the first time in years.”

“Meanwhile, I’m stressing. They just had me sign the bills this season.”

I could hear her suck in air. “Yeah, the holidays really burn through the royal purse. But everything is all right, correct?”

“You mean now that I have billions to fall back on?” I scoffed. “Yeah, we are all right. Though there is that guilt again.”

“Guilt? Is Odette upset with how you are spending the money?”

“No! That’s the problem. She trusts me completely. Does not seem that interested, either. I gave her a budget at the beginning of the year, which felt odd since it was her money, and I was concerned she’d feel as if I was…I don’t know, putting her on a short leash. But do you know what she said?”


“She said, okay.” I shook my head. “That was it. When I was in America, she was on her mother all the time about her spending habits. Here, with me, she is completely lax.”

She laughed at me through the phone. “Only you would find a way to complain about someone not fighting you. Of course, she was stricter with her mother; she didn’t have her inheritance yet. Now that she does, what exactly does she have to freak out about? She’s not even gotten all of it yet…but I bet it’s not long until she gets another third of it.”

The corner of my lip turned up. “I see you still have eyes and ears in the palace.”

“A few.” She scoffed. “I’m very excited. How is Odette feeling?”

“Her morning sickness is horrible. I feel so bad each time I see her hunched over the toilet. The royal doctor said they wanted to give her something, but she’s adamant about using natural remedies. So basically, she’s inhaling ginger tea and practicing aromatherapy.”

“I remember how bad it was with you, and I don’t envy her. How long do you all plan to keep it a secret?”

“Till the birth?” I wished.

“If you can do that, I will build a shrine to you and pray there once a week.” She snorted, clearly telling me it was impossible.

“Yeah. Yeah, I know. But Odette wants to keep it quiet even if everyone can hear and see the rapid change in her appetite.”

“I understand. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. Did they give you a due date?”

“She’s about eleven weeks along right now. So we are expecting around October… Do you think dad will make it to see?” I asked the last part softy.

She went silent, and that wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

“How is he?”

“He’s…still with us. Struggling but here, so each day is a blessing,” she said gently, and I hung my head.

“I miss him a lot. I keep finding myself in situations that remind me of him. Remembering all the times that he got mad at me or lectured me and I blew him off. I want to tell him I understand now, he was right; I want to show him that the ungrateful little man-child has finally grown up.” But it felt like I was too late. He wouldn’t get to see it. He wouldn’t know.

“Gale, sweetheart, no matter what, your father has always believed and trusted in you. He always knew you would grow up, that you two would one day be on the same page. Why do you think he never let up on you? Why he was willing to go back and forth with you? From the day you were born to this very second, your father has loved and believed in you. He believed so much in you, it frustrated him some days and amazed him on other days.”
