
“One moment,” I said, wiping the corner of my eye. “Mom, I have to go. My keepers are calling. I love you. I’ll come to see you both soon.”

“Love you, too. Tell Odette I said hello.”

“Will do. Bye.” I hung up and looked back to the door. “Enter.”

The moment Balduin rushed in, I knew I wouldn’t like it. “Sir, there is a slight issue you need to be aware of before you meet with the prime minister.”

Of course, there is! When hasn’t there been?

“What is it?” I asked as I grabbed my jacket.

“It seems that the prime minister’s government might be…”

“Might be?” I pressed, waiting.

“Launching an investigation into the royal family.”

“What?” I scoffed. “On what grounds?”

“Any connection to the death of Ms. Sabina Franziska.”

“Come again!” I snapped, stepping around my desk toward him. “He’s doing what?!”

“It’s not confirmed, but there is a source that The Morning Eagle quoted in a piece after the revelation that Sabina went with someone close to the palace the night before her death.”

“What piece? What person close to the palace?” I didn’t know any of this. Huh?

“You forbade any mention of the conspiracy theory, sir,” he reminded me. “So I did not bring it up. However, it is sort of growing on the dark corners of the web—”

“And now the prime minister wants to bring it into the light and slap it across my face? So any rumor about the royal family now leaves us open to a public investigation? Are they going to pull up the old ones, too? I remember when Eliza was young, they used to accuse my mother of having an affair because she didn’t look much like our father. Is this what we are doing now?”

“Sir, I am only telling you what I heard,” he replied at my anger.

“Fine, I will then get it from the horse’s mouth himself,” I bellowed, marching to the door.

This damn asshole never knew when to leave well enough alone. Each and every time things were getting quiet and calm, someone tried to fling something at us, for no reason whatsoever. I felt like my role as King was one-part paperwork, one-part dog-and-pony show, and one-part crisis management!

“Sir, please remain calm,” Balduin said when I entered the room.

“I am calm,” I lied. “Send him in!”

“Yes, sir,” he replied and walked out.

Adjusting my sleeves, I stood straighter, waiting, breathing in through my nose as my jaw clenched.

“Prime Minister Hermenegild, for you, sir,” Parsworth said formally before turning back and leaving.

When he entered, the blond-haired snake slithered his way inside, holding his dumb cane.

“Your Majesty.” He bowed.

“Prime Minister, I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve heard things.”

“Really, sir, and what is that?”

“I’ve heard that apparently, your government is looking to start some sort of investigation.” I took a seat in my chair, waving for him to join me.