Chapter 10


“Bellecoeur Palace has six floors, 2,115 rooms, 1096 windows, 810 fireplaces, 92 balconies, 61 staircases, and a surface area of 103,902 square meters or 1.1 million square feet. Construction of it began on June 12, 1727, under King Amos II's reign, for his wife, Queen Yelena. She died a year after, so she only saw the ground broken,” Wolfgang explained as I followed him down the hall, trying my best not to yawn.

Mr. Ambrose had been called away to work on something. I’d already gone through to see the help, the staff, as well as the guard. I didn’t know if it was the jet lag or all the walking, but I was exhausted. Worst of all, Wolfgang’s perfectly alert and cheerful demeanor was not helping me right now.


“There are also 1,939 ceiling frescos. The palace contains paintings by artists such as Monet, Caravaggio, Delacroix, Velázquez, and Francisco de Goya and frescoes by Andrea Pozzo, Corrado Giaquinto, Juan de Flandes, and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. There are 112 staterooms, 214 royal, and guest bedrooms, 330 staff bedrooms, 500 offices, and 298 bathrooms, which is all part of the residency palace. The other rooms, not counting the dining hall, are for students. The palace began allowing the left wing and side courtyard to be used as part of the University of Ersovia in 1903. Of course, they cannot come over to the residency area, but every once in a while, the king or queen will walk by or sit in the courtyard to surprise them.”

“Wolfgang,” I called out again, but he kept spitting off numbers and facts my brain was not ready for right now. “Wolfgang!”

“Yes, miss?” he jumped slightly, startled at the increase in my voice. He turned back to me. “Is there something the matter?”

“Is it possible that I get all of this in written form too? I really do not think I can remember all the numbers right now.”

“Yes, of course,” he said, writing down something.

“It’s about time for dinner, Sir Wolfgang,” Gelula spoke up for the first time behind me.

Wolfgang checked his watch. “Oh, I apologize, miss. We can go through the rest tomorrow, as you need to prepare for dinner. I will report back to Mr. Ambrose, where we finished and type out the rest of the information.”

“Thank you.” I was not sure if it was a break or if preparing for dinner was something that required more energy. But I did not say anything more, following Gelula back to my steps. I was too tired to talk, and I wanted to see Gale, but I was told he would be in meetings all day.

Back in the room, there was a silk Carly Cushnie blue wrap dress as well as my nude Jimmy Choos waiting for me.

“I had one of the staff choose an outfit for this evening,” she said, stepping forward.

“So, I am guessing it is the protocol to dress up for dinner every night?” I asked, looking over the clothes on the newly made bed.

“Yes, members of the royal family and guests staying at the palace must dress for dinner. So your clothes were chosen from what you brought with you. When you wish, we will select a wardrobe,” she said.

I nodded. At least that sounded fun. “Are you sure this is all right for dinner? I have a red dress too.”

“Red would not be appropriate for dinner at this time, miss,” she said quickly.

“Why? Am I not allowed to wear red?”

“Of course, you are, but the royal family is still technically mourning,” she said softly. “You do not need to wear black, but it would be best not to wear anything bright inside the palace for now. Outside, during public events, it would be more appropriate.”