“I really do,” I said, gently fluffing the pillow under me. “I did not plan on doing this. However—”

“You saw him again, and you melted into a pool of love juice.”

“Aww, Mom, don’t say that.”

“Am I wrong?”

I rolled my eyes. “It wasn’t like that. I mean, Mom, it’s complicated.”

“It’s simple, really. You’re in love with him even after all these months. You wanted to throw caution to the wind and run off with him all along.”

I really didn’t like being read like this. “What do you want me to say, Mom? I thought I had gotten over him. I thought I let go. But then seeing him again...he makes me want to trust him and follow wherever he is going. One minute, I was trying to leave him.” And the next, I was in his arms kissing him. “The next thing I knew, I ended up in this palace, smiling for photos, sitting and standing, curtsying, and having terms, rules, and protocols thrown at me left, right, and center.”

“All because of the choice you made.”

“Mom, please give me a break. I am trying to talk to you,” I begged.

She sighed, and I gave her a moment. “You are there now, Odette, so you know what to do, right?”

“Follow their rules—”

“Do not back down. Do not be bullied. You need to remember at all times that they are the lucky ones. You are not some nobody with nothing from a nowhere little town that they are bringing up to their world. You are Odette Rochelle Wyntor. Your father was one of the richest men in the world. You are to be one of the richest women in the world. You are educated, talented, and magnificent. No one is doing you a favor. You are not Cinderella. They need you! You do not need them! If anyone ever tries to make you feel inferior, remind them of that. And if you cannot do it, put me on speakerphone, and I will.”

I grinned. I loved her. “Yes, Mom, I know. I am stronger than you think too, because you raised me. The queen complimented me this morning. She liked my secret smile and wave.”

She laughed. “See, look at that. I might have been preparing you for this your whole life.”

“So, you no longer have objections?”

“Oh, I have many of those, but there is no point now. You are there. All you can do is stay strong. Odette, I am serious. I do not know how you are going to do this. I can’t help you. All I can do is remind you that you are an extraordinary young woman. You are much more talented, educated, and passionate than I ever was or hope to be. So, do not let them hurt you, okay? Be careful. Please.”

My throat ached, and my vision blurred. “Mom, you are going to make me cry. Don’t say stuff like that. It sounds like I am never going to see you again.”

“Oh, don’t worry. You are most definitely going to see me. The moment it calms down, and you get your footing, I am taking the first flight over and letting some of those so-called journalists have a piece of my damn mind,” she snapped, and just like that, the moment was gone. “There is one, in particular, I’m seeing on Twitter right now and—”

“Mom, please get off social media! It’s only going to make you angrier.” I was serious about not looking unless I had to. Sighing, I rolled onto my side, stretching out my legs.

“Fine, just call me when you can, all right?”

“All right. I love you.”

“Love you back, princess.”

I did not even correct her. Hanging up the phone, I rolled into the center of the bed and just lay there, looking up at the gold crown molding around the ceiling.

You can do this, Odette.

I am stronger than I think.

I just had to take it one step at a time.

Rising from the bed, I stepped back into my heels, fixed my dress and hair before walking across the room and back to the door. I reached to open it but paused and knocked once. Sure, enough, the doors opened, and I saw them all waiting.

“I’m ready.”