She whimpered.

“My lady? Are you feeling unwell?”

Yes! Yes, that’s a perfect excuse.She was unwell and would be for the rest of the house party. That would be the perfect excuse for her to never face any of those people ever again!

The idea was too tempting. But she couldn’t do it. Annalise, Caroline, and even Victoria would be worried about her. And once they saw she wasn’t ill, they would drag her out of her room to join the house party again.

More than that, not even taking into account all the trouble Lavinia was in, she couldn’t hide away in her chamber while Matilda sat by Lord Birch’s side, looking after the ill man. Matilda was on the precipice of being thrown out onto the street. She depended on Lavinia and her successful betrothal.

Hiding in her room would not solve Matilda’s or Lavinia’s own problems.

“I am well, thank you,” Lavinia finally said. “Just a little headache, but that shall pass.”

Beatrice nodded. “I shan’t dress your hair tightly then.”

Lavinia tried for a smile.

Oh, but she was in deep, deep trouble.

Now that she’d made up her mind about rejoining the house party, the gravity of what had happened the night before hit her.

How in the world was she going to face Dane after her outburst? How was she to continue flirting with Mr. Townsend after what happened with Lord Roth? And most importantly, how would she ever be able to look Lord Roth in the eye?

Beatrice helped her change into a fresh chemise and then started dressing her in her corset and the petticoats. But Lavinia could barely comprehend what was happening around her.

“Are you sure you don’t have a fever? You are warm to the touch,” Beatrice said.

Lavinia just smiled and shook her head. No, she had no fever; she was burning in shame.

“I am well, Beatrice. Please, do not fret.”

Beatrice nodded and led her toward the vanity table, and as soon as Lavinia sat down, she started working on her hair.

Lavinia bit her lip nervously. She had to get out of this house party as soon as she could. But the only way she could leave the house party and continue with the rest of her life was to marry and quickly.

Her fingers moved toward her face, and she touched her lips again.

Oh, but those kisses were divine.

She sighed deeply.

And then another thought hit her. Lord Roth had kissed her… Willingly.

She had been flirting with Mr. Townsend, but so far, he had yet to exhibit any interest in her. Whereas Lord Roth had kissed her!

More than that, she’d stolen away with him to his studio, and if anyone were to know what happened, she’d be ruined.

Annalise’s words rang in her mind.Being caught in a compromising position might expedite things.

She hadn’t considered him before as a viable marriage prospect because she didn’t want to spend her life in proximity to Dane and Caroline, but he spoke extensively about how he missed the Continent, so perhaps she could convince him to leave England once Victoria was married. Either way, she was far closer to a compromising position with him than she ever was with Mr. Townsend.

The immorality of what she was contemplating didn’t escape her. But truly, did she have another choice?

If she were a titled rich man, then she would just do as she wanted. She would leave England on her own and escape all the troubles. As an impoverished young lady, she did not have such a luxury. She depended on men, so in order to secure herself a future, her only choice was to act immorally.

“Please, God, forgive me,” she whispered to herself.

“You’re ready,” Beatrice said, and it took Lavinia a moment to realize that she was talking about her hair, not her plan to entrap the marquess. Either way, Beatrice was right.