Chapter 16

Something small and wet poked Lavinia in her face. She squirmed, unwilling to wake up, and then… lick. Lavinia turned her face away.


“Oh, Gale,” Lavinia croaked. “Why can’t you give me a few more minutes to sleep?”

She opened her eyes and was greeted by the shimmering sun.

“Oh, Lord.” She groaned, took Miss Gale into her arms, and cuddled her against her neck. Miss Gale was so warm and soft, and Lavinia didn’t want to get up at all. Her head ached, her throat was dry, and her eyes itched.

There was a knock at the door and then the maid Victoria assigned to her, Beatrice, walked into the room.

“Ah, you’re up, my lady. Just in time. Breakfast will be cleaned up in about an hour, and you need time to dress.”

She looked around the room, and her gaze fell to the heap of clothing on the chair by the bed. “How did you get undressed without me?” She tsked and went to collect Lavinia’s clothing.

How did I?The memories came flooding in, and Lavinia shot up. “Oh my God!”

Miss Gale jumped from the bed and licked herself irritably as if regretting letting Lavinia touch her at all. Lavinia could sympathize with that, for at the moment, she was feeling something remarkably similar.

Beatrice turned to Lavinia, wide-eyed. “Is something amiss, my lady?”

Lavinia bit her lip. “No. It’s just… I didn’t realize how late it was.”

Beatrice smiled. “Well, you go wash up, and I shall prepare your morning gown.”

Lavinia scurried from the bed and went to perform her morning ablutions.

“Oh, God,” she whispered to herself, as she scrubbed her face.

Had she really kissed Lord Roth last night? Was he the one who undressed her?Please, let it be a dream, let it be a dream.

Miss Gale meowed and walked into the closet, rubbing herself against Lavinia’s legs.

“His Lordship said to take your cat and keep it with us during the day,” Beatrice said as she walked into the dressing room to pick out Lavinia’s attire.


So that wasn’t a dream.Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Lavinia smiled and nodded to the maid while she squirmed on the inside. She’d acted like a complete wanton!Andshe had invited him to stay the night!

She would never drink port ever again!

Lavinia squeezed her eyes shut and then took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Her hand went to her face, and she touched her lips, remembering his kisses… He was so tender with her, so sweet. She quite enjoyed the kisses. Did he?

What are you thinking, you fool?

She had flirted with Mr. Townsend during dinner, told Dane she loved him after the parlor games, then got drunk and kissed the marquess!

She covered her face with both her hands, and they almost burned from the heat in her cheeks. What had happened to her?

She took the toothbrush, peppered some powder, and brushed her teeth violently, hoping that it would help her forget everything that transpired the night before and wash away the shame.

She could fix it. She would apologize to Lord Roth for her brazen behavior and tell him that she’d never acted like this before and never would again. She would go to Dane, and… no. There was no salvaging that relationship.

Lavinia groaned and shut her eyes. She didn’t want to get dressed. She didn’t want to leave her chamber or even her dressing room.