Chapter 23

Oliviaknockedonthedoor of the Payne house later that evening. She had argued with her parents over their underhanded attempt to marry her off to Bradshaw while Jarvis was in peril, but they were unswayable in their decision.

“What if you’re with child?” her mother had said.

What if I am?

Olivia refused to think about that. Not yet. She needed to find Jarvis, and if her parents weren’t going to aid her in her mission, she would find someone else who would.

So she climbed down the window using the same trellis that Jarvis had used to scale the townhouse wall and hurried to her friend Annalise and her husband, the Earl of Payne’s house. The earl was one of Jarvis’s closest friends, too. If anyone could help, it would be them.

Luckily, their townhouse was only a few houses down the street.

The stuffy but familiar butler opened the door and Olivia smiled.

“I need to see Lady Annalise, please,” she said in a rush.

“It is past visiting hours, I am afraid,” the butler answered calmly.

“I know. But this is urgent.”

“Let me inquire if Lady Annalise is at home.”

Olivia opened her mouth to argue, but the door had already closed before her.

“Crane, who is it?” Annalise’s soft voice asked beyond the door.

Thank God.

The door opened again, and Annalise peeked out. “Livvie! Please, come in. What an unexpected surprise.”

“Thank you,” Olivia said as she entered. “I need your help.”

Annalise smiled. “No time for pleasantries? Very well, follow me.”

They entered the cozy parlor and sat down. Annalise placed her hand on her stomach and let out a sigh of relief.

Olivia frowned. “Apologies, you have other things to worry about than helping me, but this is urgent.”

“Oh, no. Actually, I have nothing to worry over, as Blake barely lets me lift my finger. Ever since that trip to the Continent, he’s been hovering over me like a bee over the flower.”

“Is he at home?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, he should be out of his study soon. He is talking to his secretary, but it’s about time for him to peek out his head and enquire about my health. It’s been almost five minutes since the last time.” Annalise sounded exasperated, but a small smile played about her lips. “We have some time, though. What did you need help with?”

“Actually, I need the help of your husband.”

“Truly?” Annalise raised a brow. “I shall go fetch him then.”

She didn’t have to, though. The moment she placed her hands on the settee to get up, the door to the parlor room opened and the Earl of Payne entered.

His brows were furrowed as he surveyed the room.

“Miss Olivia.” He bowed, barely stopping, and walked over to his wife. “Crane told me you’re entertaining visitors. Are you certain this is the best thing for you to do? I’d rather you were in bed, resting.”

Annalise gave her husband the sweetest smile. “I am with child. I am not a cripple. Besides, Olivia needs our help.”

Payne sat next to his wife, took her hand, and weaved their fingers. He looked at her sternly, and Annalise seemed to communicate something to him via her gaze. She must have won their silent duel because Payne turned to Olivia.