“What can I help you with?” he asked.

“Jarvis has gone missing.”

Payne’s face contorted as if in pain. “I am not certain I can help with that.”

“What do you mean, you can’t help? You are his friend!”

Annalise blinked up at her husband, and he directed a weary look toward her.

“Jarvis is… he is part of something very dangerous,” Payne said.

“The Shadows.” Olivia moved closer to the edge of the seat. “You know about that?”

Payne’s head shot up. “How do you know about that?”

“I figured it out. It wasn’t that difficult, but that isn’t the important part. He promised he would come to our townhouse a few days ago, and he hasn’t. My father was looking for him, but he is nowhere to be found. Since you are friends, I was hoping you could help—”

“I am not certain I can,” Payne said drily.

“Blake?” Annalise squeezed his hand, demanding his full attention. She frowned at him. “Why are you so adamant about refusing to find him? He is your friend. He helped find me when I was in peril, or did you forget?”

“I could never ever forget that, my darling,” Payne said heatedly. “And it is the main reason I cannot help. The people he is involved with are serious criminals. They are the reason I was…”

“Captured,” Annalise finished for him.

Payne nodded. “Yes. I do not… No, I cannot get involved in this now. Not with the babe on its way.”

“But he could die.” Olivia sat observing the sparring couple, but she couldn’t stay silent anymore. Her throat was dry, and her voice was hoarse.

Payne looked at her for a long moment, then turned back to his wife. “I am afraid I cannot help,” he said resolutely. “But I know someone who can.”

Olivia paced inside her room, unable to sit still. She had met with Payne two days ago, and there was still no news of Jarvis. She was told to go back home and wait for a note from him.

Two days probably wasn’t too much time to find a missing viscount, but Olivia couldn’t fathom what Jarvis was going through at the moment.

Was he being starved, beaten, or worse?

She bit on her fingertips and looked out the window. A carriage pulled up before their townhouse, and she recognized Payne’s family crest.

“Finally!” she breathed and rushed out of the room.

She ran down the stairs and nearly collided with the butler, who moved to open the door.

Annalise appeared on the doorstep with a wide smile on her face. “Good morning. Oh, Olivia, dear, I am here to chaperone you on a ride through the park.” She winked, and Olivia frowned.

“Let me talk with your parents about your outing while you change your attire to something… more fashionable. Perhaps you shall even stay with us for supper.”

“Is there news about Jarvis?” Olivia asked.

“Yes, my dear. Go change, while I talk with your parents.”

Olivia nodded and rushed up the stairs again.

“Livvie, dear, walk slowly,” her mother said as she descended the steps.

“I need to prepare for an outing,” Olivia shouted in passing as she reached the corridor. “Speak to Annalise, please!”

A few minutes later, she was sitting in a carriage facing Annalise and her husband. “Where are we going, truly?” she asked.