“Agreed.” Jane had always had a sunny disposition. She carried joy around with her like sunshine, so if her mood was flagging due to her inability to conceive, things must be dire indeed. “Speaking of time spent together, I’m doing a live cadaver exam a few days hence at the Duke of Titterbury’s townhouse.”

“The devil you say!” Interest lit Finn’s expression. “How exciting.”

“I thought so too. The duke is paying me a nominal fee to do the thing as a sensation for his friends, but I’ve agreed to perhaps educate the onlookers regarding medical practices and possible postmortem care.” He shrugged. “Will you come?”

“It’s quite the morbid prospect.” Yet from the flush on his face and the light in his eyes, he was as intrigued with the upcoming spectacle as Royce was.

“Yes, but an interesting study, postmortem, on the cause of death. To say nothing of watching how polite society reacts to it.” How many women would faint? How many oh-so-proper men of the ton would cast up their accounts?

“Indeed.” Finn nodded with enthusiasm. “I’ll see if I can coerce Drew or my cousins to join us, for no doubt Jane will come. Ever since she began working in the clinic—since meeting me—she’s worked to expand her knowledge of the human body and how it works.”

“Yes. She’s taken to borrowing my medical books without permission.” But that was all to the good. The more knowledgeable she was, the more valuable she was to the clinic, and he could use all the assistance he could muster. He shoved thoughts of Jane out of his mind, for here was the natural opening he’d been waiting for. “Uh, how do your cousins fare? I recently read about William’s victory in solving that serial killer case.”

“Ah, yes, he and Fanny are still basking in the glow of that.” Finn brushed at some of the cat hair stuck to his jacket sleeves. “I’ve not seen Caroline, of course. She keeps to herself and makes it a point not to linger in our company, which is understandable.”

“She’ll need to square with those relationships—and her past—soon though.”

“I agree, but for now she’s safe.” Finn shrugged. “Isobel has landed in scandal yet again. Drew and William met with her a couple of days ago with dual fits of outrage, threatened to shuttle her off to the Derbyshire property if she didn’t behave.”

“That’s a bit heavy handed, but then Hadleigh is the head of the Storme family now.” He chuckled as he remembered how spirited Isobel was during the Christmastide house party. “She’s a hoyden to be sure.” Then another thought occurred that sent cold streaks down his spine. “Does your brother plan to marry her off?” That would be a shame, for knowing the earl, he’d chose a man entirely too stuffy and unsuitable for Isobel, someone who’d want to clip her wings or tame her spirit.

“Who knows? Drew is quite vexed with her and at loose ends. The other problem is that Cousin Isobel isn’t exactly looking for matrimony.”

“At least we have that in common.” He shared a laugh with Finn. “Does that mean she’s fast? I didn’t have that impression of her. I rather think she enjoys being entertained as well as the attention.” A stab of something went through his chest, but he ignored it. The woman meant nothing to him outside of a vague acquaintance.

So why couldn’t he completely banish her from his mind? And more importantly, why did the thought of potentially seeing her again set his heartbeat racing?

“Oh, she enjoys the attention. Perhaps too much. Thus the reason for Drew’s annoyance.” Finn snorted with laughter as if the whole thing were some grand joke. “Isobel is quite popular among the men of the ton, men of the merchant class, men who work a trade, servants…”

Royce shook his head. “I have the gist.”

“She enjoys attracting men and then dropping them once she loses interest. I’ve often wondered if she’s like a cat, playing with them and abandoning them after she’s bored, or once she’s been kissed.” He shared a look of confusion with Royce. “For whatever reason, my cousin always finds some issue with her suitors, so the relationships don’t move past a certain point.” He shrugged. “If nothing else, Isobel’s mindset would be a good case study for Trey.”

“It’s certainly interesting.” And something he wouldn’t mind delving deeper into if she would let him. Something must bother her, and it was showing in her behavior that went beyond wanting attention. “Definitely bring her on Friday night. It’ll keep her out of trouble, at least for a few hours.”

“And relieve William’s mind for a bit.” Finn shoved a hand through his hair. “You can ask Isobel to your cadaver exam in person. Jane is having a dinner party tomorrow evening. She’s invited a few authors and poets who reside in London for live readings after dinner.”

“Oh? How fun.” He slid a sly glance at his friend. “Will you read from your book as well?

“If there is time.” The look of satisfaction on his face made Royce grin. It was nice to see Finn coming into his own after battling depression for so long. “By the by, you’re invited if you wish to come.”

Of course he would, especially if Isobel would be there as well. “It sounds intriguing. I’ll bring Trey. Besides, how can I turn down the opportunity to bedevil Jane?” Indeed, since she married, some of the light had been missing from his life.

“Good to hear. I’ll let her know.” Finn stuck out a hand. “Thank you. For everything, Royce. You have no idea what your friendship and support has meant to me over the years.”

Unexpectedly, a wad of emotion stuck in his throat. He shook the offered hand. “You might have started out as a patient, but now you’re a friend for life. I don’t take that lightly.”

“I keep telling you. You’re an honorary Storme.” Moisture sparkled in Finn’s eyes that he rapidly blinked away. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with the mess of us from now on.”

“There are worse things in the world.”

“Ha!” Finn wheeled his chair toward the front door. “So you say now, but you haven’t found yourself in the direct path of a Storme. You’ll change your mind if one of us flies into a rage at you, I’ll wager.”

“Surely it can’t be as horrid as you make it out to be.” Royce escorted him to the door and then held the panel open for Finn to pass over the threshold. A shiny black open carriage waited for him at the curb. “Don’t rainbows form once a storm is over?”

“Oh, you poor, disillusioned man.” Finn’s laughter swept the last vestiges of maudlin emotion from his person. “Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow night. If nothing else, there will be good food and fine spirits, along with gay company. If the readings prove dull, we’ll play a few hands of whist against the ladies.”

“Now that is a good incentive. I’m a smashing success at that game. I look forward to relieving you of a few pounds at the table.” He waved and then closed the door. Isobel Storme would be in attendance. What the devil would he say to her?

He couldn’t help his grin. It didn’t matter. If that low-grade attraction between them was still present and if he could manage to talk with her privately, perhaps he’d have a better idea of how to proceed. No, he didn’t want to court a woman, but perhaps a bit of a flirtation wouldn’t hurt, especially with a lady who wished for the same.

There was a certain freedom in that.