“I’m glad you have that outlet.” With a tight chest, Royce threw himself into the only wooden chair in the room. He tossed his notebook onto the table and then gave the major his full attention. “There’s something bothering you, though. Something I can’t find in an exam.” That was one of the most difficult aspects of being a doctor.

Finn nodded. One of his hands fisted at his side. “Is there no chance at all I can father children?”

Ah, so that’s what ate at him, and probably had since his marriage. Conveying less than favorable news was another aspect of his profession that made him feel low, but he couldn’t lie. Still, poor Finn. Poor Jane. “As I’ve indicated before, erections and ejaculation are determined by nerves. Yours have been damaged. At this point, I don’t know if they need more time to heal or for inflammation to go down, or if they’re permanently dead.” He rubbed a hand along his jaw. “It’s not the best of news, but I refuse to offer you false hope.”

“I understand.” The major blew out a breath. He stared at the ceiling, but the dismal emotions in his eyes tore at Royce’s chest. “During intercourse, I do come at times.”

“That’s all to the good.” Royce nodded and wished he could give the other man words of comfort. It must be devastating to want children but to never prove fruitful. “The best advice I can give you is to keep trying.”

Finn turned his head and met Royce’s gaze. His grin was decidedly cheeky. “We do.”

“Ah.” As nice as it was to see his friend in a better mood, Royce held up a hand. “Spare me the details. I don’t want to hear about how many times you violate my sister.”

“Spoil sport.” Finn laughed, and it was such an unexpected sound that he joined in on the mirth. Eventually, the major sobered. “I know it weighs on Jane.” Sadness pooled in his eyes. “I want so much to give her the secret of her heart, but…”

“I know.” Royce leaned forward and laid a hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Don’t lose hope, my friend. Your body just needs a longer time to work and more chances than the average man’s.”

“Thank you.” When Finn struggled to sit, Royce launched from his chair and assisted him until the major’s legs dangled over the side of the cot. “I try to remain strong for her. Writing helps and she has her charity salon. It’s enough for now, but every month that goes by, as I hear her crying from in our dressing room when she thinks I’m sleeping, my heart shreds.”

I can’t even imagine such pain and disappointment.

Royce nodded. “Give it time, Finn.”

“I will. It’s the only thing I can do.” With a sigh that signaled the end of the conversation, he accepted the fine lawn shirt Royce handed him, slipped his arms into the sleeves, and then smoothed it down over his torso. “What of you, Doctor? Is there a woman in your life that you might marry soon so you’ll enjoy your own set of matrimonial problems? Then you can lament to me, and I can give advice.”

“Finding a woman who doesn’t bore me to tears is the issue currently.” Royce snorted. He stood and pulled the chair closer to the small table. “Besides, I’m not compelled to enter the parson’s mousetrap. My time is largely spoken for here. The ton ladies I know wouldn’t stand for my attention being split.”

One of Finn’s dark eyebrows went up. “Then you’re not looking hard enough.”

“Perhaps, but to be fair, I have not the inclination, and even less interest.”

Unbidden, his mind flashed to that Christmastide house party where the Storme family had gathered in Derbyshire last winter. It was then he’d met Finn’s youngest cousin, Isobel. They’d gotten on well together, and unless he’d imagined it, there had been a spark of attraction between them. Nothing that he’d acted upon, for that wouldn’t have been wise in the midst of the Storme connection. Since then, they’d seen each other at a handful of family events or society functions, and still the attraction lingered.

Should he try to pursue that? She certainly was more entertaining than other ladies of his acquaintance, and her name had been linked to half a dozen on-dits in the last several weeks alone. From all accounts, she danced attendance on no one and the energy she commanded made her quite the storm, collecting young men in her path.

With a sigh, he came back to the present, and when he glanced at Finn, he started for the other man had tied his cravat and had put his collar into place. “Besides, there’s no rush for me to wed. Father is still hale and hearty, even if he’s been exhibiting signs of stress and excess drinking.”

“That’s because he’s quite the notable on the floor of the House of Lords.” Finn nodded when Royce held out his trousers. With little effort the two of them clothed the major’s lower half, and once he’d donned his jacket, Royce ushered Finn into his waiting Bath chair. “Drew often is impressed that your father helped argue one of my brother’s points. Eventually, those buffoons in Parliament will cast votes that will benefit the good of all people in England, not just the privileged upper class.”

“We can only hope, and that’s another aspect of life I’m not looking forward to once the damned title is handed down to me.” A shiver of disgust went down his spine. “Let us both hope that’s far off in the future.”

“Indeed, but back to allowing yourself to be matched,” Finn said with a particular twinkle in his eyes. “Don’t wait too long, Doctor. I know enough to tell you that life’s burdens will run away with you—throw you far afield in some cases—and then you won’t have time any longer to set that side of your life into order.”

“I appreciate your concern.” Royce dropped a hand onto Finn’s shoulder. “I enjoy the life I lead now. There will be plenty of days ahead to enter the Marriage Mart.” The laugh he uttered sounded a bit hollow to his own ears. “I excel at being a surgeon. Being a suitor? Not so much.”

Finn grinned. “I understand, but the clinic cannot offer you comfort, nor can it bolster your confidence when you need it most.” Then he winked. “And it certainly cannot offer you a warm place to stick your—”

“Stop.” Quickly, Royce held up a hand as he crossed the room and wrenched open the door. “Go.” He made a shooing motion. “Take my sister to a society event and treat her like a queen.” Wishing to offer hope to his friend turned brother-in-law, he said, “Get into your cups. Indulge in passionate embraces with her, take her to bed, but leave me out of that part of life. It’s not for me; I’m certainly not looking for romance.”

“Ah.” Finn’s grin turned entirely too wicked. “There needn’t be romance if all you’re searching for a is good slap and tickle in someone’s garden.”

Heat crept up the back of Royce’s neck. “Do shut up, Major.” He stood aside as Finn wheeled himself from the room. “Women in any capacity require more of a commitment and effort than I’m willing to give. Perhaps I’ll revisit this conversation later.” Involving himself in a courtship or even an affair was something he couldn’t squeeze into his schedule. Truth be told, not even the prospect of a quick shot at release could change his mind. There simply wasn’t room in his life for a woman at the moment.

“Fair enough. However, you need to drop by for a visit soon. Jane would enjoy spending an afternoon in your company. She misses her brothers.”

“I can’t imagine why since she sees us at the clinic twice a week.” They’d gained the large patient room, which was still devoid of patients.

“That’s in a business capacity and not the same.” He eyed Royce askance. “Just come to dinner occasionally. It’ll do much to lift her spirits.”