“Far from it, sir.” Rodgers, ever the staunch supporter, grinned. The big man was loyal to a fault. “Do you require assistance?”
“I do, unless you’d like to see me slide down the stairs like a troublesome child.” They both shared a laugh, and oh, it was good to finally have reached a place in his life where he could joke about his injury.
“No need for that. I’ll summon a footman for the chair.” When Rodgers crossed the room toward the bell, Finn sighed.
“That doesn’t mean I’ve agreed to her insane plan.” How the devil did she think he could ride with any sort of authority?
A chuckle escaped his friend. “Where the lady is concerned, I’ve come to believe anything is possible.” He yanked on a velvet braided rope. “She has a certain way about her that makes everyone do her bidding, or even rise up to the mark to achieve something better.”
“That she does.” What was her aim for this outing?
Twenty minutes later,Finn rolled into the parlor, and his breath caught. Had there ever been a more beautiful sight? Jane sat on a settee that featured a pink crushed velvet cushion. Clad in a riding habit of dark forest green, it featured smart military-inspired lines, black braiding, and frog closures down the bodice. Masculine cuffs and collar completed the gown, and sent desire rushing through his blood. The rather mannish top hat she wore on her upswept Titian hair had a short veil that shaded her eyes and lay gathered in an intricate bow at the back. And damn, if that peek of lace at her throat beneath the habit jacket would drive him insane if he stared too long.
“Good afternoon, Lady Jane,” he said in a somewhat strangled voice when he realized he had regained the ability to speak.
“Hello, Major Storme.” She rose swiftly to her feet as he came further into the room. With a nod and a smile at Rodgers, who hovered silently behind him, she said, “I came to ask you to go riding with me.”
Hell, at this point, if she’d requested that he accompany her to the moon, he’d find a way, merely to please her. What the devil is wrong with me? “Out of curiosity, how do you expect I should do that?”
“Pish-posh, Finn. Why not meet your limitations and turn them into challenges?” She waved away his comment as if it were naught but an annoying gnat.
Apparently, she was on a course for folly. “Are you mad? Look at me.” He gestured to his legs and Bath chair. “This is not the man who rides any longer.”
“I am looking, and you’re handsome enough to make this scheme legitimate.”
From the corner, Rodgers tried to cover a loud guffaw with a cough.
“How do you figure?”
Jane blew out a breath that ruffled a few curls on her forehead. What he wouldn’t give to pull the pins and combs from her hair and delve his hands again into that heavy mass. “You can sit in front of me. I’ll guide the horse with my legs while you handle the reins if you wish for control.” She shrugged as his mind jogged to having those legs wrapped once more about his head…
Get hold of yourself, Phineas! That is about as likely to happen as a shark swimming through the Serpentine.
“I… I’m not certain that’s a good idea.” Had it always been so bloody hot in this room?
“Well, it matters not to me, for I’m going riding regardless, but if you wish to taste this particular brand of freedom, why not give it a go?”
How the devil did she have such a way with words that made him desperate to try everything she suggested? If his pulse surged any harder through his veins, they’d burst open. “Does that mean you’ll ride astride?”
“Of course.”
“Are you not concerned with someone seeing you in such scandal?” He admired her daring and wished he could have an ounce of her courage.
“Finn.” Jane edged closer to him and took his hand. “If I were afraid of wagging tongues or malicious gossip, I wouldn’t have done half the things that I have in my life, and thereby would have cheated myself of the joy found therein.” She winked. “But if your tender sensibilities are threatened, I shall ride properly until we’re ensconced in a private section of Hyde Park.”
Rodgers laughed outright at that. He quickly gained his feet and ran from the room with a mumbled, “Excuse me.”
Finn’s mind was stuck on the picture she would make with the horse between her legs. Would her skirts fly up, show off her ankles and calves? Oh, dear God, stop this! He cleared his throat. “You’ll think poorly of me if I fail.”
“Hardly, but I do want to share this experience with you.” She squeezed his fingers. “I’m told that men in your circumstances can increase trunk strength and control, as well as balance and overall posture and endurance by riding.”
“Told by whom?”
“Royce.” Jane shrugged. “Do you wish to come? You can swear the boys in the mews to secrecy if you fear gossip.”
Oh, how tempting was this idea. “I’d never thought of riding as exercise while I’m like… this.” The whole plan was mad, insane, outrageous. Horrible, really. Any number of misfortunes could happen. “I could fall.” In all likelihood that would happen. And then what? He doubted she’d have the upper body strength to put him back on the horse, and she certainly couldn’t carry him.