Jane gave him a smile that brimmed with wickedness as she released his hand. Matching deviltry winked in those green eyes. “Yet you might fly. Which truth would you like to believe?”
“Damn it, woman, you’ll be the death of me,” he grumbled, knowing full well that he’d agree with her.
“Or I’ll usher in a rebirth.” She moved slowly to the door. Was it his imagination or did her hips sway in a more exaggerated fashion today?
“Fine.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “If you’ll ring for a footman, I’ll meet you in the mews.”
That gave her pause. “You don’t wish for me to accompany you?”
Heat surged up the back of his neck. “I’d rather you not see my reliance on a footman for such things as stairs.”
“Oh, Finn.” She frowned. “I’m not a stranger, and nothing will change my opinion of you. I merely wish to be with you.” Her shrug only lifted one shoulder. “There comes a time when a man needs to rise above the difficulties facing him and challenge himself to reach new goals. Are you ready for that next step?”
His heart skipped a beat. How was it possible he’d found this remarkable woman and she didn’t give one whit about his injury and handicap? “Very well. You win. I’ll go riding with you.”
“Excellent.” With a smile that could have lit all of London, Jane strode across the room to yank at the bell pull. “You won’t regret this.”
A half hourlater, they’d gained the tree-shrouded paths of Hyde Park. After entering a gate on the far side and away from the more popular areas, Finn brought the horse to a halt. She situated herself astride behind him. Her arms went around his chest while he manipulated the reins. It was odd, this sensation of knowing such a large animal was beneath him yet not being able to feel it, but it was also most thrilling. In the event that he did fall, Rodgers rode behind them at a discreet distance.
“All right, Major, let’s see what you can do,” she whispered against the shell of his ear. “Show me what I already know—that you’re vital, capable, and every bit a man any woman of the ton would be proud to find at her side.”
The warmth of her body pressed against his back left him speechless, but he nodded and flicked the reins of a dappled gray mare he’d long gotten to know over the years. They started off at a walk but once he grew more confident, he urged the horse into a trot. Tingling in his right leg returned. Was it his imagination or was he able to slightly dig his heel into the horse’s side?
Jane’s squeal echoed in his ear. Her hold about his chest tightened. “I knew this was a good idea,” she gushed while they followed one path onto another without pause. Her breath warmed his nape, making him ever conscious of her presence.
All too soon, he lost himself to the excitement of riding. The summer breeze, perfumed with the smell of green growing things, whispered over his face and he reveled in it. He tangled the leather reins in his fingers, urging the horse to find her own rhythm as he gave himself over to the whole experience.
His breath came in pants, for he was unaccustomed to the exercise, but he grinned as the world fell away with every clip clop of the hooves, each rise and fall of his body that brushed against Jane’s. The steady race of his pulse competed with the chirps of the birds in the trees overhead.
Eventually, the path went parallel to the Serpentine in a more private section of the park. The sunlight sparkled on the water like gems tossed away. Had the grass always been so green, or the tree leaves so crisp and sharp? Had the distant laughter from children wading in the shallow part of the river always held such unfettered happiness? Or was it all merely a product of being in Jane’s company, the woman who’d turned his world upside down?
Unexpectedly, he lost a piece of his heart to her, couldn’t imagine a better place to keep it than in her hands. Finn turned slightly in the saddle so he could look into her face, meet her gaze. “This afternoon is a gift I’ll treasure always.”
Though she grinned, tears sparkled in her eyes. “If you find that you enjoy riding, you can work your muscles by moving yourself from your chair to the horse’s back when you’re ready. One of the stable hands can set your chair on a mounting block to make the transition easier.” She blinked away the moisture. “You’re already well built in your upper body, so this shouldn’t be an issue. It’ll be good exercise in addition to the riding itself.”
Heat swamped him that had nothing to do with the summer sun. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Her eyes in the strong afternoon light gleamed like the finest emeralds.
“For coming into my life. For badgering me out of my battered shell. For daring to befriend me despite everything.” If he weren’t careful, he’d spout romantic poetry and make a cake of himself. That simply wouldn’t do.
“You’re more than welcome.” She grabbed one of his hands and pressed it to his chest. “Do you fell that?”
“What, my heartbeat?”
“Yes. It means that you’re alive and you have a purpose, and you are loved.” Jane edged herself closer, put her lips to his ear. “Never forget that, Finn. I rather like having you in my life as well.”
He inhaled sharply. Was that a roundabout declaration from her? How could a man tell? More to the point, did he believe he could return her feelings despite everything? Not having the answers, and not caring that Rodgers lurked some distance behind them, he lifted his hand from his chest to hook around the back of her head, and he pulled her in for a quick but meaningful kiss. Once he released her, he grinned. “Shall we continue?”
Did he refer to their relationship or the riding? Perhaps it didn’t matter.
“I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”