Chapter Eleven
July 12, 1819
Oliver came awake to the sensation of someone watching him.
When he cracked open first one eye and then the other and Sophia’s face swam blurrily into view, he grinned and cast about the bedside table for his spectacles. “Good morning.” This was the best morning of his life, awakening next to a beautiful woman, who held a sheet to her person that barely hid her breasts.
Breasts he’d pleasured more than once during the night.
“Good morning.” Her voice was still throaty from sleep, and the sound went directly to his length. “I trust your first night as a married man was satisfactory?”
“Oh, yes.” Once he’d donned the eyewear, he turned onto his side, and an involuntary groan escaped his throat. Hell’s bells. His body ached, but in a good way. “I cannot imagine a better morning.” A low rumble of thunder rolled through the area, which explained the gloomy interior of the room. “In fact, the typical rain of England can fall all it wants, I refuse to succumb to a grouchy mood.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” His wife leaned over and lightly brushed her lips to his. “Last night was quite… eye-opening. I heartily enjoyed myself.”
“So did I.” He’d thrived under her tutelage, and some of the things she’d taught him, he’d never been privy to before. When he slipped a hand along her shoulder and down her arm, she shivered. “Tonight won’t come quick enough for me.”
Her grin turned positively wicked. “Just as long as you don’t come the same once it finally does.” Then she winked and wriggled from the bed, giggling as she went out of reach of his fingers. Then she yawned. “You have quite worn me out.”
Concern immediately gripped his chest. “Should you rest today?”
“I will not.” Though there were fine lines of exhaustion framing her eyes and mouth, she shook her head. “There is much I wish to do.” Sadness clouded her eyes. “Once I am dead, there will be time enough for rest.” Her voice faltered, but she offered him a smile. “Right now, I am famished. Will you join me for breakfast?”
“Are you certain you don’t wish to take a tray here in bed?” The very idea of dining in bed beside his naked wife had his member hardening with renewed arousal. “We could request a pot of honey. I’m sure there are a few different uses for such a thing that are unconventional.” Licking off the sweet, stickiness from her skin sounded like a more than acceptable way to start the morning.
Sophia’s eyes darkened, but then she shook her head. “While it’s quite tempting, if I don’t wish Hannah a good morning, she’ll began a search for me.” As she padded over the floor to the adjoining dressing room, she shot him a grin over her shoulder. “And doesn’t absence make the heart grow fonder?”
“I don’t know about that, but yours held up fairly well after those sessions last night.” They had coupled twice during the wee small hours following their first foray into carnal pleasures. Though she’d been properly and quite thoroughly stimulated enough to need a couple hours rest between bouts, there hadn’t been pain or more tightness in her chest than usual, according to her.
“Yes, it did.” Her giggle was muffled, which meant she must be rifling through her wardrobe.
“But one wonders if our next session will be too intense for your heart to withstand,” he said in a quieter voice, for the reason for their union was never far from his thoughts.
They both knew it was only a matter of time.
When she returned to the bedchamber, she wore a fine linen shift and held stays in her hand. “That is the risk. However, if you are truly worried, we can leave off with our marital endeavors.”
“Uh…” It was a difficult choice, for he didn’t wish her to die sooner merely due to excitement in bed, yet he was entirely too selfish and didn’t want to give up their couplings. Finally, he sighed. “For your health and well-being, I will make the sacrifice.”
Sophia rolled her eyes. “Oh, stop.” As she approached the bed, her brow creased with worry. “We already know my lifespan is nearly at an end, and you were the one who urged me to live that life without hiding behind fear. That is what I plan to do.” She leaned over him and once more kissed his lips. “Don’t make me feel guilty about that any more than I already do.”
The subject matter caused his chest to squeeze with anxiety. “We could always go on a short honeymoon trip. Perhaps up to London? Or elsewhere that you’ve enjoyed.”
“Oh, Oliver.” She perched on the edge of the bed. “As much as I would adore that, since my time is limited, I would rather remain here so I can spend the days with my family. It’s the right thing to do.”
He nodded. “Agreed. I apologize I mentioned it.”
“You have every right.” She fussed with the laces on the stays. “If things were different…”
“If they were, you and I would have never met.” Oliver caught one of her hands and brought it to his lips while holding her gaze with his. “I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
“Me either.” Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away. “If we linger here too much longer, Hannah is going to burst in.” She slipped from the bed. “Come and assist me with these stays. I’d rather not summon my maid just yet.”
“Neither do I, for that means I’ll have the opportunity to do a bit of exploration before breakfast.” Never had he removed himself so quickly from a bed before regardless of his naked state. As he reached for her, she giggled and dashed into the dressing room.
If he were fortunate, he could keep her laughing until the end, yet that would usher in crushing grief for him.