“Please, I… Oh, God.” His hips bucked, which put him more firmly into her hold.
“I adore it when men beg.” She kissed his chin. “Hold tight. I expect you’ll go over soon.” Quicker and quicker, she stroked him. With each pump, she slightly twisted her hand to give him additional stimulation. His length pulsed, heated and ready, and for a moment she closed her eyes as she imagined how that appendage would feel inside her. When need throbbed through her core, that’s when Oliver broke.
“Ah, argh!” His body went taut, and as he threw back his head, an expression of complete bliss lined his face in the dim light.
In her hand, his member jerked as he thrust over and over. Seconds later, the warmth of his ejaculation spattered against her belly and thighs. And he’d been magnificent in that moment, looking as if he’d seen the very face of God.
Spent, he sagged into the pillows and pulled her close. “I apologize. That wasn’t well done of me. I should have had enough control to stave that off in order to join with you.”
“Hush, Ambassador.” Sophia rested her head on his shoulder and slipped her hand around his waist. “All of that will come in time, and as I said, we have all night to do that together.” This form of intimacy was perfectly acceptable, and it had certainly brought them closer.
“But there’s now a mess—”
“I’ll attend to it in a minute.” For a long time afterward, they lay together as the shadows made by the moonlight danced through the room. “Falling asleep in my husband’s arms is one of my most favorite things about being married.”
“It’s an honor I’ll cherish.” Emotion clung to his whispered tones, and it brought tears to her eyes.
“Thank you for what you did today. It gives me a modicum of peace.”
“I’m sorry you even need to worry about this.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “But you are not alone any longer.”
She snuggled closer to him. “At times, it is much to struggle with.”
“For as long as you need me, I’ll be beside you, holding off the darkness.”
A tiny piece of her heart flew into his keeping. Yes, this had been the right decision. She only hoped it didn’t leave him destroyed once her time was up.