He didn’t even get the door open when Shelby pulled into the driveway and gave a double-tap to the horn, smiling at them through the windshield.

They waited for Shelby to get out and retrieve the pot from the back seat floorboard. She held it up and walked toward them. “As promised. Stew.”

Cyn was about to head down to meet Shelby, but he held her close. “You’re still a bit wobbly. Let her come up.”

Shelby eyed Cyn up and down. “You look a lot better.”

The dark circles under Cyn’s eyes were gone. Her skin was back to having a warm, rosy glow to it. Her eyes were clear and bright and focused most of the time. She limped on her hurt leg, but she didn’t seem to be in a great deal of pain. Probably because he’d made sure she took her meds before they left the hospital a little while ago.

“I feel better. Where’s your Wilde man?”

“At home with Eliza. She’s come down with a cold.”

“Oh, no. I hope she feels better soon.”

Hunt unlocked the door, pushed it open, then let the two ladies go in ahead of him.

Shelby tapped him in the gut with her elbow, but spoke to Cyn. “Looks like you’ve got your own Wilde man taking care of you.”

Cyn grinned. “If he keeps doing a good job, I’ll keep him.”

“I’m all yours, sweetheart.” After their talk in the truck, he wanted her to know he meant it and had no problem saying it in front of Shelby. She would no doubt tell Chase, who would tell Max and his dad, and everyone in town would probably know tomorrow that he and Cyn had shacked up at his place.

Let them talk.

He’d been just as honest as Cyn had been about what he wanted.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t trying to navigate this next step with a lot of consideration for her condition while he also figured out how fast or slow she wanted to move this forward. Either way, he walked into the downstairs bedroom and put her bag on the dresser. No matter what, he wanted her in his bed tonight. Even if he wasn’t in it with her.

He found Shelby and Cyn in his kitchen off the open living room.

Cyn smiled at him. A big, open, happy smile. “I love your place. Outside, it’s got this old-fashioned charm with all the wood and black-framed windows, but inside, it’s a more rustic modern feel.”

This pleased him so much that he smiled and his heart soared. “I’m glad you like it.”

“My favorite part is the wall of windows off the backoverlooking the pastureland. Nothing but trees and wide-open fields. It’s gorgeous.”

He loved it here. “This is the backside of the ranch. Don’t be surprised if you wake up to cows mooing, though I think Max and Chase moved the cattle to another pasture last week. I don’t know, I’ve barely been here, it seems, with all my double shifts. I used to work a four-hour shift early in the morning at the ranch, then head into town for my shift on the force. Now, it’s double shifts and more most days.”

“When do you have to go back to work?” Cyn asked.

“Tomorrow. Unless you’re not feeling well, then I’ll stay home with you.”

Shelby raised a brow. “I don’t go in until late tomorrow, so I can always come by.”

Hunt thought of Cyn’s concussion. “Chase and Max will be on the ranch anyway, so I’ll ask them to keep an eye on Cyn.”

Cyn shook her head. “You guys are sweet, but I’m okay. I spoke with my assistant at the shop. She’s got things covered, but I really need to go in and make sure everything is running smoothly.”

Hunt closed the distance to her. “Cyn, you need to rest, sweetheart.”

“I need to run payroll, do a couple other things. I won’t stay all day. I’ll probably sleep in and go in late.”

He eyed her, but ultimately let it go. He couldn’t keep her here, even if he wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap, lock the doors and keep the world away. “Remember what we talked about outside?”

She gave him a firm nod. “I’ll be careful and stay in touch with you.”

“I’d really appreciate that.”