Shelby beamed. “Look at you two working together.”

Hunt rolled his eyes. “I’ll start a fire.” He went to the hearth and stacked the wood and kindling while Shelby heated the stew on the stove and chatted with Cyn. He couldn’t hear what they were saying. He assumed they were talking about him. He got the sense the two seemingly different women were really close.

Cyn always called Chase Shelby’s Wilde man. He’d like to be Cyn’s and hoped them spending time alone tonight would bring them closer together. He didn’t expect things to go anywhere in the bedroom while she recovered, but he hoped to find a kind of intimacy in being alone with her and just talking and being close.

He lit the match and set it to the paper and kindling. In seconds, the fire grew and caught the dry split logs.

“You two enjoy dinner and have a nice night,” Shelby said as she walked from the kitchen toward the front door. “I’ll see you both soon.”

And just like that, he was alone in his house with Cyn.

She came around the counter and into the living room space toward him. “Okay, Wilde, you said if I made you a promise you’d get naked.”

He saw the teasing light in her eyes, but wasn’t about to renege on a promise. He stood with the fire behind him, grabbed the back of his thermal over his shoulder and pulled it up and over his head.

Cyn’s eyes went wide with surprise and lust. “Good God, Wilde. Damn.” Her eyes wandered over his chest, down to his abs and over his arms. He tried really hard not to flex and look like an idiot.

He reached for the button on his black jeans and popped it just to see what she’d do.

The damn woman bit her bottom lip and her eyes lit up with anticipation.

If she wanted a show, he’d give it to her, because he was hard and aching for her, standing there in her body-skimming dress with her breasts mounded at the top of it, all those curves just waiting for his hands and lips and tongue to explore.

But just before he slid the zipper over his thick cock, she closed the short distance between them and put her hand on his chest. A bolt of electricity shot through him as her skin met his.

“I know I started this... God, you’re hard to resist with your clothes on. With them off... there’s no possible way to not want you desperately.” Her gaze slid over him. She took him in with a look of such desire and need and appreciation that his cock twitched and he fought not to grab her and make love to her.

He’d known she was teasing when she made the comment about him getting naked, so he let her off the hook, cupped her face in one palm and smiled at her. “I was just going along because I promised you. I knew you didn’t really mean it and was about to stop anyway.”

“I do want it,” Cyn said, her gaze on his hard length pressed against his fly.

He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Enough said, Cyn. Another time. Let’s eat.” He went to put his shirt back on, but she closed the distance between them, pressed her breasts to his chest and kissed him softly.

He wrapped her in his arms, his shirt dangling overher ass and down her legs. They fell into the moment and lost themselves in dozens of kisses, his tongue sliding over hers, her hands wrapping around his neck and holding on as she pressed close to him. He’d let her have her fill and end things when she was ready. She ended up with her cheek pressed to his chest, his arms banded around her as he held her close, his chin atop her head.

“I’ve never felt anything like this.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“Safe. Like I’m not going to lose this moment if I let go.”

He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “We’re just getting started.”

“If it feels this good now, what’s it going to be like down the road?”

He leaned back, cupped her face, kissed her softly and said, “Better,” believing it with his whole heart.

Chapter Fourteen

Cyn couldn’t quite believe she’d ended up in Hunt’s house, eating dinner, then lying on the sofa with him behind her, a pillow and her between his legs, his fingers brushing through her hair. He’d lulled her into a relaxed state nestled in his warmth while he watched a movie she hadn’t paid any attention to because she was too busy enjoying the fire and the closeness she felt. But it was getting late and the movie credits were about to roll and she needed to decide what came next, because ever since he’d made it clear he wanted her and she’d seen him with his shirt off, she wanted to get her hands on him.


“Yeah, sweetheart? You okay?”

“You should take me to bed now.”

“Sure, sweetheart. You can have my bed down here. I’ll sleep upstairs.”