“Yeah. You never know what’s going to happen or when.”

Hunt picked up her foot and massaged it. “We’ve learned that the hard way lately. Did the Harmons stop by today?”

“I called and asked them to postpone until tomorrow morning. After getting Angela’s letter, I wanted to just spend the day with Lana and let it all sink in.”

“Are you doing okay? You’ve had to deal with a lot lately and that letter was really hard to read.”

“It was. So I took the time I needed to let it settle and reimagine my life and what I want it to be from now on. I need to get back to work. My employees have been great at taking care of things in my absence, but I need to be there. So Lana and Eliza will go to day care together. Shelby raves about the woman who takes care of Eliza, so I feel comfortable taking Lana there, too.”

“Sounds good. I can keep Lana on days I have off, because they might not always be the same as yours.”

“I think Lana would love to be home with you.”

Hunt rubbed his thumb up the center of her foot. “Well, that leads to the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. I spoke with Judge Evans and showed him all the paperwork your sister had drawn up through the legal document internet site. Most everything is in order,but we’ll need a few small changes to the documents, which the judge was happy to help us do. So whenever we’re ready, we’ll go before him, and he’ll sign off on everything.”

“Perfect. When do you want to do that?”

“I’m ready now, but I’d appreciate it if you gave me a little bit of time. There’s something I need to do first.”

She tried to get a read on what he meant, but he didn’t give anything away. “What?”

“Trust me.” He tried to hold back a smile, but she saw the hint of it anyway. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

She had an inkling of what Hunt had in mind, and it took everything she had not to show the full extent of her excitement and anticipation.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Cyn was so grateful to have Shelby over this morning. Yes, she needed the distraction to help stave off the waves of grief, and someone who could answer some of her baby questions, because she wasn’t prepared to be Lana’s mom. She had some catching up to do. Luckily Shelby arrived ready with answers and a book that covered everything for a newborn up to one year. Cyn felt mildly better prepared.

“Thanks for spending your free morning with me.”

“It’s really no problem. Plus, I wanted to go over the wedding plans with you.”

“I’m the worst maid of honor ever. I haven’t helped you plan a damn thing.”

Shelby put her hand on Cyn’s forearm. “It’smywedding. And because I didn’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of, Chase and I had a chance to really connect and create the wedding we want. Plus, it’s not like it’s a huge affair. It’s just family and a few close friends.” Shelby pulled a couple of photos out of her wedding folder. “I picked a couple of dresses I thought might suit you. Since blue is one of my favorite colors and yours, maybe you’d like one of these.”

Cyn looked at the three choices. “I love them all. I’m happy to wear whichever is your favorite.”

Shelby tapped her finger on the shimmery blue mididress with the cap sleeves, tight bodice, sparkly silver embellishment below the bodice and softly draping skirt that had a layer of see-through material. “This one is my favorite and the one I think will look fantastic on you, as well as go with your gorgeous hair.”

Cyn laughed. “Everyone loves the purple locks.”

“They’re so you, Cyn.”

“That dress is so me, too. Thanks for picking something I’ll be comfortable in and can wear again.”

“I want you to love it.”

“I do,” Cyn assured her.

“Okay, I’ll order it.”

“I’m happy to pay for the dress.” After all, Cyn would keep it.

“The dress is on me. Eliza and you will match, though her dress is a different style, but the same color blue. I think I’ll get her a silver headband.”

“And I’ll do her hair and yours. It’s going to be so fun. And when you’re my matron of honor, we’ll do it all again.”