“You are everything I want and need for both of us.”

He kissed her softly. “I know a judge who owes me a favor. I can ask him to make this a reality without ushaving to wait too long for it to move through the courts, especially since we have Angela’s consent.”

That fearless part of her Angela pointed out spoke without Cyn having to think about it. “Yes. Let’s be a family and make all the memories Angela would have wanted to make with Lana if she could.”

“I’ll make the call. After breakfast.” He kissed her again, then took her hand and led her back into the diner.

Everyone was at the table, talking among themselves.

Lana was tucked in sweetly in Mr. Wilde’s arms. “She got a bit fussy, but Pop-Pop settled her right down.”

Cyn’s eyes teared up again.

How easily everyone accepted them into the family. How wonderful to belong.

Lana wouldn’t just have a mom and dad, she’d have uncles, an aunt and a Pop-Pop to love her.

And Cyn would do everything she could to make sure the Harmons had a place in Lana’s life, too, because she didn’t blame them for what their son did.

Shelby took Cyn’s hand and tugged her to sit down. “We ordered for you both. Your usual, Hunt, and the pancake special for you, Cyn, with extra butter.”

Cyn smiled. “You know me so well.”

“We’re best friends and our girls will be best friends. That’s how it will be, right?”

“Absolutely,” Cyn agreed, then eyed Max across the table. “I bet we’re going to like your Kenna,” she teased him.

Max pointed his finger at Cyn, then Shelby. “Don’t. Stay out of it. That’s over and done. Not happening.”

Cyn exchanged a look with Shelby and they burst out laughing. “I think he protests a little too much. What do you think, Shelby?”

“Yeah. There’s something there.”

Max glared at them, then turned to Chase and Hunt. “Call off your women.”

Hunt and Chase both looked at Max, then her and Shelby, and shook their heads.

“Good luck with that,” Hunt said, and Chase nodded his agreement and they both laughed at their brother.

Max groaned and picked up Eliza and sat her in his lap. “I’ve got all the girls in my life I need, thank you very much.”

Cyn smiled and thought of her sister’s letter and the documents she left behind. “I don’t know, Max. If it’s meant to be...”

Cyn was still thinking about things that were meant to be that night when Hunt returned home and found her upstairs in one of the loft chairs feeding Lana her bottle before bed. “How was your day?”

Hunt kissed her, then kissed Lana on the head, and sat beside Cyn’s feet on the ottoman. “Not good. Remember the guy we saw with Kenna this morning when Max ran into her?”

“Yeah. Tall guy. Dark hair. Cute, but not as handsome as you or Max.”

Hunt shook his head and grinned. “Thanks. But I’m way more handsome than Max.”

“Yes, you are,” she readily agreed. “But what about the guy?”

“He died in a car accident after he dropped Kenna off at work this morning.”

“Oh my God. That’s awful. Poor Kenna.”

“Yeah. She was upset when I spoke to her. They hadn’t been seeing each other long. They’d only been on a handful of dates. Still...”