Whoops! I’ll clean that later.
“Yippee!” Running up the stairs, I changed into my prettiest, fingertip-length, white dress because Mom said I looked best in white. I found some baby’s breath flowers and wove them into a small crown to put on my head. The white flowers popped against my dark hair. Dashing a bit of glitter around my cheeks and checking my face to make sure it was clean, I ran back down the stairs, leaving the mess I made on the floor.
Checking myself in the mirror one last time and fixing the crazy curl that liked to curve around my neck, I took a large breath. For the first time, I was going to feel the sun on my skin,and not the rough texture of that stupid cape.
Mom didn’t bring it up, so neither would I!
My smile brightened as I opened the door to the clear, blue sky. “Yes!” I sighed heavily, shutting the door and taking flight to the nearest portal to the Underworld.
“Where in Tartarus have you been?” I shut the door to my bedroom where my father was sitting on the bed with a scowl on his face. “Do you know what time it is, Lucifer? It’s six in the damn morning, and you were gone all night! Were you off screwing some slutty demon?”
I growled, my hands turning black with cracks of red magma between them. “Don’t fucking start with me, old man.” Large, purple flames engulfed my hands, ready to fight against my father. His face instantly fell as he sagged his shoulders and sat back down on the bed.
“I shouldn’t have raised my voice.” His hand rubbed his mouth. “Your mother is worried, and in turn, it makes me worry. Where have you been?"
Willing my hands clean, I walked to the wardrobe, stripping off my bloody clothes and wrapping a towel around my waist. Father patiently waited, knowing I was calming the fire inside.
My anger was only worsening as the days passed; my own father had to control his just to make sure I didn't lose control. If I did, who knows what would happen to my family? My father shouldn’t have to do that. He shouldn’t have to calm his son; he should be able to punish me, to teach me a lesson.
I rubbed my face with both hands, sitting in my desk chair. “Sorry, Father.” Father turned to me, his eyes softening. The internal battle within me was a losing one, and we both knew it. He knew how serious this had become, and we had both started preparations.
“I won’t be able to control the rage much longer. It’s best if we implement the plan we discussed.”
Father shook his head, pulling his freshly styled hair. “No, I refuse to believe it has come to that. You are still so young. You have to fight it.”
Abruptly standing from my chair, my black wings flew out of my body; the fire tickling the tips of the feathers grew brighter. “You don’t understand—I can’t! I thirst for blood; I hunger to destroy everything in my path. Who knows when I will slip and hurt the innocent? What if I went to Earth? What if I started the Apocalypse?”
“That is a human fairy tale. It's not real,” he calmly stated.
“Maybe it is!” I chuckled manically. “Maybe I am the one destined to start it, and that is why youwilllock me in Tartarus, right next to your father!”
Chapter 3
Myfathercouldn’tlookat me. His smoke tendrils wrapping around his body said it all. He was angry and unable to control the emotions floating through him.
I knew I struck a nerve. Father tried so hard to keep his cool. He shouldn’t have to, not when I’m his son. He should be allowed to punish me, to beat me into obeying like the young god I was, but now my power was equal to his, something unfathomable to imagine for the God of Hell, especially as the first-born child of Kronos.
“Lucifer,” my father said calmly, his eyes glowing red, “you still have time; I believe this. If I lock you up now, what am I supposed to tell your mother? She asks for you constantly. I already have to lie and tell her you are working somewhere other than that pit.”
My wings retracted with a gust of wind, several feathers falling to the ground and turning to ash. “I’m sure you will think of something.” I mindlessly turned my back, my hand now on the doorframe of the bathroom.
There was no hope left for me. Even now, I desired to rip off my own father’s head. Who is it to say that one day, I wouldn’t go through with it?
I killed three guards coming up the side entrance because I was angry that I had to return to face a bunch of celestial beings. They only wished to kiss my father’s ass and please my mother, hoping she would reveal their mates. My rage was uncontrollable. Sometimes I wondered if there were demons, witches, or dark magic possessing me, fighting for dominance of the body I no longer controlled.
“After the baby announcement, then. There’s no need to spoil your mother’s little show.”
I chuckled darkly. The door was about to close until my father caught it with his foot, exposing himself to the bright light of the bathroom. “When your mother finds your mate, we will release you, and you will be back with our family, Lucifer.”
Shaking my head, I leaned back against the cold, tiled wall. “I’ll be too far gone for that, and you know it.”
No woman, even my mate, could come near me. I’d destroy her before she got close.
Pushing the door closed, my father’s usually stoic face held discontent. I tried not to let it get to this point, but who was to say what I was doing was working? Ares had stopped by many times, trying to help. He could calm the beast within my father because he gained a wolf after he mated with my mother.