The doorbell chimed again, shaking me from my thoughts. Finally, a letter toppled through the slot. It was slightly aflame, but the paper had yet to burn.
Oh goodie, more magic!
I crawled over, peeking through the mail slot to make sure the mailman was gone. He doesn’t know me, but I know him. The neighbor’s pegasus begs him for sugar cubes every day, and when he forgets, the pegasus bites him right on the tushie! I snorted back a laugh.
It was a funny animal.When Mom and Dad aren’t looking, I throw my carrots and celery out the window and it neighs happily.
I’m glad someone liked vegetables because I certainly didn’t. Yuck!
I really wanted a pet, just like a pegasus, but Mom said no,‘they will poop all over the house.’
Returning to the letter—still aflame—and touching it a few times to make sure it wouldn’t burn my freshly painted pearl nails, I flipped it over.
To the soul-bonded couple, Goddess Hera and Archangel Michael
It was written in beautiful calligraphy lettering that shone when the light hit it at a certain angle. Mom and Dad always let me open the mail.
It was like opening presents on Christmas… except this was just a letter, so there weren’t fun presents inside.
Ripping it open, the flaming envelope fell to the floor, turning to a light powder of ash before finally disappearing. “That’s amazing,” I whispered, my foot swishing the floor to feel for remnants of the ash.
I read its contents, examining the black stenciled drawing of a massive palace, with a three-headed dog on the letterhead.
From the delighted parents, Hades, God of the Underworld, and Ember, Goddess of Empathy and Bonding.
“Whoooa!” I held up the letter to the light. The dog was simply adorable, and the palace was the darkest thing I had ever seen. Black wasn’t anywhere around the Celestial Kingdom, so this was exciting. My finger traced the slightly raised lines.
“Ugh, focus.” I finished reading it, and I found that it was an invitation to a baby announcement with a party.
They had a baby! Babies were so cute, but I have never seen one up close, and I have never been to a party! I wonder if Mom would let me go? If it was up to Dad, he would let me do lots of things, but Dad tells me a lot that he is ‘whipped’ or his ‘balls are on the fridge.’ I never found a whip in the house, and there were no balls on top of the fridge, so I don’t know what he was talking about.
Anyway, I could do two fun things at once, if Mom was in a good enough mood to let me go. She was always in a good mood in the mornings. Maybe we can all go!
I ran to Mom and Dad’s bedroom door—which I am not allowed to open.
I have to knock really loud so they can hear because sometimes, they wrestle. Mom is super loud when she wrestles. Sometimes I have to turn up a movie all the way.
Knocking three times, I heard Dad’s voice, “What?”
He sounded out of breath.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“No, I’ve been up.,” He choked back a labored laugh.
“Oh, okay.” I pulled at the hem of my short nightgown, fiddling with it, still holding the letter in my other hand. “I was wondering—” I started.
“Yes!” my mom squealed.
My eyes brightened.Did she read my mind?
“So can I just g—?"
“YES! YES!” she moaned loudly, and I heard a thud on the other side of the door.
It sounds like Mom is winning.
I jumped up and down squealing, and my wings flew out of my body too quickly, causing a small vase to crash to the floor.