Poseidon reached out to touch the picture until the liquid stopped moving, and the projection of his mate disappeared. His hand dropped his drink, and his hands ran through his hair.
“Uh-huh!” Mother made a high pitch squeal of satisfaction. “Just strung you two together, so now you have to go find her,” she winked.
Poseidon shook his head and rubbed his chest. “Where is she?” He pleaded with her, but Mother only shook her head.
“You have to find her. That means you have to leave your palace,” she giggled.
“You are evil.” Father patted her ass. “I kind of like it.” A growl left his throat, and a scream of laughter burst from Lilith who sat on the sand playing.
Mother turned to me, now pulling me away from a disgruntled Poseidon, who was marching off into the sea. “I wanted to show you that”—Mother paused, looking back at Zeus who continued to talk to Hades like best friends—“I can usually find souls to match, and I worried for you for so long when you became of age.” She rubbed my arms. “I didn’t realize anything could cloud my ability to see souls. With those plants blocking her, Uriel was right under our noses, and I never even knew it. I just hope you don’t think that I kept her from you.”
Shaking my head, I pulled my mother in for a hug. “I—I never thought that.” My lips kissed her cheek. “You have tried to help me for so long. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be a better son for you.”
Her brows furrowed before she shook me by my upper arms. “Are you crazy? You are the best son I could have ever asked for! I just hope you don’t think I kept things hidden from you… those plants—” I hugged my mother again.
She thought too much. She cared too much. Her abilities to understand feelings were far too strong.
“I never thought that, not once. I know you would not purposefully keep things from me.” Hugging her once more, I left her with Father, finding my precious mate, who was currently drunk off her ass.
It wouldn’t take long for Uriel to sober from her brief drinking experience—that would never happen again. I grabbed a nearby blanket and carried her down the dock she insisted we built. Her body shifted with her nose breathing in my now opened white dress shirt. Everyone was pulling off their nice dress clothes. Aphrodite was half-naked in a hot-pink bikini while Dionysus sported a speedo. I shivered, thinking about what else was going to happen as the night progressed.
Sitting in one of the padded chairs, I leaned back, getting the perfect view of the stars. The pier was far enough away that the bright lights of the party didn’t disturb the perfect view of the sky. Traveling to the surface wasn’t something I ever did, too worried I would get pissed off and fly off the handle. I stayed underground, in the Underworld, with those fake stars Father put up for Mother to make her feel like she was in a happier place.
He does everything to make her happy, and she smiles at him with such love and appreciation. I couldn’t wait to do that for my mate, taking her on adventures between the realms, showing her things, letting us both experience lives we never thought we would have.
Uriel hummed, her eyes fluttering open until those bright gold eyes looked up at me. I swear she could light up any darkness with those eyes. “I’m sorry,” she yawned. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Is the party over?”
Shuffling on my lap, she stirred my cock back to life and she giggled rubbing it with her hand. “Sorry.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“You are not damn sorry,” I playfully growled at her.
“Language,” she whispered. Chuckling, I pulled her back into my arms.
Life could not get any better.
A slow song played loudly from the beach; Uriel began humming to the tune.
“Dance with me,” I ordered her, standing up.
“You can be nice, you know?” She giggled.
I pulled her arm harshly, slamming her body up against me. “I’m not a nice guy,” I growled in her ear. One arm snaked around her lower back, and the other behind her neck, keeping her close to my body. We swayed to the slow music until I felt those unbelievable lips kiss up my neck.
“But you are nice to me,” she whispered with her voice dropping an octave.
I swear that damn lusty voice she has will be the death of me.
“And if you need to let out some anger sometimes, you know I’m here.”
I smirked, feeling the heat of her blushing face on my chest. “Like angry sex?” Biting her lip, she nodded as I kissed the top of her head. “That’s good to know, bunny.”
“And even if you aren’t angry, it can be rough too,” she muttered.
The fucking hell did this all come from?
“Is that so?” My hand slipped down to her ass to give her a squeeze. Her laughter filled the air, her head rolled back, and the sweet curls of her hair dangled past her hips to stare up at me.
“Uh-huh, and I’ll love every minute.” Her lips came to meet me allowing my teeth to bite her lips gently.