Page 153 of Lucifer's Redemption

“How did the Fates get this so right?” I muttered into her lips.

Her fingers ran up my chest, finally landing in my now messy hair. “I don’t know, but I’m sure glad I have you, Luci.” Her breath hitched as I wrapped her legs around my torso. Her squeal sent chills down my spine. I would do anything to hear her laugh for the rest of eternity.

“And I’m glad I have you, bunny.” My hands ran up her bare ass, and my eyes widened. “When did you take your damn panties off?”

Uriel bit her lip, her eyes full of mischief. “I think I left them on the dance floor somewhere when I was crawling away from you,” she snorted.

Shaking my head, I slapped her ass. “Then I think we need to get you punished.”

Her face brightened, trying not to smile. “Oh, that sounds bad.” The twinkle in her eye made her squirm in my hold. “Is there any way to get out of it?”

“You can suck my cock under the table in front of your parents. How about that?”

She pouted her lip. Waiting for her to protest, she leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Can I still get my spanking, too?”


Under the Moon


Lucifer wrapped his arm around Uriel’s waist. True to his word, there was never a moment he let her out of his sight. Uriel often complained but secretly, deep down, she loved his possessiveness and how he took care of her. He took her worries away when she was around him, and she felt absolutely comfortable being herself.

Uriel and Lucifer reappeared in front of the portal of the Underworld. Uriel freed herself from her mate’s embrace before dashing ahead in her excitement. The dark stones and the beautiful flowers that Uriel had stared in awe at just seven months before waved into the breeze she created as she skipped along the stones. Luci’s wings helped him catch up to her before grabbing her by her waist.

“No running,” Lucifer grumbled in her ear, “or that ass is going to be a brighter red than the sunburn on your cheeks.”

Uriel snickered. She wasn’t at all afraid of Luci’s threats. In fact, Uriel had found a whole new side of herself since the night of their ceremony, after discovering that she had more than just a playful side, she also had a bratty side—and she liked it.

“Is that a threat, sir?” She snickered again, wiggling out of his hold.

“Damn right,” he growled in her ear, nipping it harshly, “and don’t even think that I won’t do it in front of all these people.”

Hanging torches set the Underworld Palace alight, and the red moon cast a glow of mystery upon the palace grounds. It was nothing that Uriel wasn’t used to now. Although she and Lucifer explored Earth and Bergarian during the week, they spent every weekend in the Underworld. They had just returned to the Underworld for the baby announcement after visiting the Hawaiian Islands with Poseidon who was trying to gain favor with his mate.

“I can’t believe Mariah had the baby already!” Uriel could barely contain her excitement.

The War God made such a fuss over Mariah during her pregnancy. Ares had been the perfect father-to-be, albeit a bit more overbearing than was necessary. She wasn’t even allowed to walk after the night her pregnancy was revealed. He carried her everywhere and procured every random food craving. He washed her, massaged her feet, and eagerly read stories to her stomach every night before they went to sleep.

Ares even attempted to remain celibate, refusing to make love to his mate. It came as no surprise that the attempt didn’t last long. He caved on the third day when Mariah experienced a spout of absolute horniness and begged for his cock. He couldn’t deny her, so after plenty of encouraging words from Ember assuring him that it was perfectly safe, they made it a daily occurrence—sometimes three or four times daily. He found her pregnant body insatiable.

The crowd settled in the foyer with a drink in everyone’s hand as they toasted to how well the Celestial Kingdom fared after Kronos’s attack. The palace was rebuilt, Zeus had been diligent in his duties, and the gods praised how well he had handled it all. Now he regularly visits all the realms, ensuring the worlds are running smoothly. He even ventured so far as to help Hades expand his special demon task force to include angels, aiding the endeavor to snuff out any evil being inflicted upon innocent humans.

The ceremonial party for the baby announcement excited the entire Celestial Realm. Ares ensured that the party was going to be out of this world. He even insisted that Dionysus was present to assist by setting up drinking games, a smoking bar, and even a playground for any kids that may show up.

Green and yellow streamers hung throughout the hall, which was filled with balloons, cakes, alcohol, and food. Ares even arranged for pink and blue t-shirts to be provided at the door for people to wear, indicating whether they thought the baby was a boy or a girl. Zeus had a bright, pink shirt slung over his body, proclaiming to everyone he thought a baby girl would grace their presence, while Athena wore blue.

Uriel stuck out her lip in annoyance. “I don’t want to wear a shirt,” she whispered to Luci as she stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Lucifer looked over to the overflowing buffet table where he met his mate mere months ago. He smiled, thinking about their first meeting and how silly it was to think he almost let her walk out those double doors.

“I don’t want to cover my dress.” Uriel looked down, admiring her light-yellow lace-covered dress. It had pockets at her waist which she often would slip her hands into, swaying her dress to and fro.

“Then don’t.” Luci kissed her temple. “We aren’t exactly rule-followers, anyway.”

Uriel stuck out her lip again. She was hoping to get a rile out of Luci, but that didn’t seem to work. She would figure something out later. Luci willed an amber liquid into his hands, swirling it as he looked down into the tawny substance. The ice cubes clinked, almost summoning Athena to them.

“Would you like a drink, Uriel?”