Page 91 of The Exiled Dragon

“Look at me.” Creed pulled my face back with his fingers. “That is hard for me to say. I know you want to prove yourself, but you must remain here. The pain is significant for me to ask this of you but I cannot risk you being out in the open. The Vampires, my brother, the Elders and even my own father might hurt you. Here you are safe, within these walls…” Creed growled, looking at how Osirus continued to study me so close, like a piece of a puzzle. “Isn’t that right?” Creed barked. Osirus jumped, his eyes blinking a few times until he recovered.

“But of course! This is a fortress. Magic, soldiers and even I will remain here to keep her protected.” Osirus’ fanged smile had me flashback to the Duke’s smile. Shivering, Creed pulled me into his chest.

“Your Dragon will become strong, and you can protect yourself soon. It’s a lengthy process. Please stay here, where I know you will be safe.” Nodding at his chest, he kissed the top of my head.

“Odessa?” Amora came forward, her hand pulling me towards her . “If it makes you feel better, I won’t be fighting either. My Dragon is still weak too.” She smiled sadly. “I just need to watch the light leave his eyes.” Gritting her teeth, Nicholas kissed her head.

“And you will, but you must promise to stay safe.” Amora hummed, leaning into him.

The room remained silent for a few moments until it was decided that Creed and Nicholas would leave early in the morning. They both wanted one more night with their mates, however Creed’s stance showed me he was anything but relaxed to sleep.

His eyes continued to dart to every corner of the palace, watching, waiting for someone or something to pop out behind every corner. My fingers stayed looped together with his while walking to our room.

Creed’s father could already be at the tribe, demanding answers. What then? Would the entire tribe be torn to pieces before he arrives? It would be such a fresh wound for his father, finally realizing the death of his mate who had lived years with another and even mothered another child that was not his.

It broke my heart. The suffering not only Creed went through, but now his father and mother. Will Creed’s father end up dying of depression, just like the other Griffons? What then? Creed, sensing my distress, picked me up quickly. One hand behind my back and the other under my legs, the guards opened our chamber doors.

Again, the room was gorgeous. A large chandelier in the middle of the room, golden swirls on the walls, and beautiful portraits of supposedly famous Fae that decorated the light-filled room. How they could keep the rooms so bright without lamps, candles and electricity was amazing.

Creed sat me on the bed, taking off each of my slippers and pushing me to the bed. Rolling me on top of him, he had my face put up to the crook of his neck. I never understood why he would do such a thing when we first met, but now I know. The neck was a vulnerable spot, just like for any creature. My Dragon purred excessively, trying to put her nostrils closer to smell him, pet him there. It was a trusting gesture, along with our foreheads touching. That gave me the most sparks out of any other touch.

“I’m worried about you,” I whispered. Creed sat up, wrapping his arms around me and sitting me on his lap. “What if something bad happens and I’m not there? How will I find you? What if they put that memory powder on you and you fly away?” I blabbed, thinking of all the worst scenarios. It was all true. Who knows how much of that powder they had? His own mother couldn’t shake it and lived with another Dragon until she died.

The thought of him being with another killed me.

Creed’s Dragon reverberated his strong vibrations into my chest, calming me. I didn’t want to be calm. I wanted to be upset. I fought against it, trying to push him away. “No, I don’t want to be calm!” I snapped. “What if they take you away from me!?” Creed wouldn’t let me go. He pulled me back into his lap, arms caging me.

“They will take you, make you forget,” I sobbed. “Then all of this,” I waved my hands between the two of us, “you won’t think it happened.” Creed’s Dragon purred again, no longer the purr that comforts. He just let me know that he was there, listening.

“I won’t forget you,” he muttered out loud. “I will never forget you.”

“How do you know?” I whispered.

“Because I dare not let my heart be tainted with such magic.” Creed rocked me from side to side, my hands gripping his massive forearms. The scars that bound his memories were gone, free of the torment that his brother had given him. Now his tattoos were nothing but decoration, memories he had made to overcome the loneliness.

“I will come back to you my fawn,” he muttered. “I will kill Adam, the Elders, and stop my father from destroying the entire tribe. No magic will keep me from you.”

“How long will you be gone?” I sniffed.

“Until the judgment and punishment have passed,” Creed answered as he pulled me from his chest, his eyes full of determination. He said he would come back, and I believed him. I believed him with my whole heart, and the words that dripped like honey my lips while he kissed me. He would come back.

His lips massaged mine, his sweet tongue exploring my mouth for the first time. Tender, loving and apprehensive. It turned my stomach into knots. Pushing my fingers around his tight shoulders, he groaned, pulling away.

“Lay on your stomach,” I whispered. Confused, he sat me beside him, his stomach now on the bed. Straddling his lower back, I took some scented oil from the nightstand rubbing it between my fingers.

The warm oil dripped on his back. He groaned delightfully as I kneaded his shoulders. His tanned muscles now softened, his skin still showing the unbelievably sculpted part of his back. Fingers tracing to his sides and down to his muscular thighs, he groaned again, his Dragon purring loudly. I smiled, loving how my sweet Dragon was enjoying this.

He had given me so much in just the month I had been with him. I wanted to give him something to remember before he left me in the morning. I wasn’t just some helpless little human anymore or a weak little Dragon, I was going to be strong for him.

One day, though, I would fight my own battles. My Dragon growled triumphantly at that.

Creed rolled over, once I finished his claves, his eyes stayed closed, arms raised above his head. I worked his shoulders again, straddling his waist. Once I reached his hips, ready to leave my straddle position, he grabbed my waist to stop me.

“That’s enough, my little fawn,” he breathed. “That felt amazing.”

“I’m not done yet.” I bit my lip. “There is one more thing I want to massage.” Creed’s fanged smile had me blushing again.

“But it is my turn.” Large hands traced my hips up to my torso until landing on the front tie corset. Taking one finger, it untied quickly, making my breasts fall from the make-shift bra.