I could never leave her side. There will be a time when I would have to find my father and make sure he doesn’t destroy a tribe of unknowing members. However, bringing her with me, and the state my father could be in, would be difficult. He could attack her in his rage. Never knowing a Griffon, even if he is my father and sharing his blood, I don’t have the knowledge of what his species’ personalities could be like when angered. Dragons could be hot-headed, but what of a Griffon?
“Osirus,” I spoke. Everyone’s eyes landed on me. “Do you know the general temperament of Griffons?” Osirus laid back in his seat, scratching the white stubble on his chin.
“I’ve never seen one, nor my father before me.” Alaneo walked to a nearby shelf, his fingers pawing at each book spine. “Ah, here. I’ve read about them before. They have been deemed a fairytale in a fairytale world.” He chuckled to himself.
“That makes no sense.” Melina laughed. Alaneo’s fingers flipped through the pages.
“Griffons are to be powerful creatures, both physically and in magic. Griffons are said to surpass even the Dragons in their strength. They are lonely creatures, not staying with a pack, tribe or group. Their mates, far between and only a hundred or so lived at a time until finally, they could no longer find mates. They died slowly because they only craved the comfort of their mates. The weaker ones eventually died, no longer searching, dying of depression.”
“That’s so sad.” Melina gripped her skirt. “But why would you need to know about a Griffon so suddenly?”
“Creed’s father is a Griffon,” Odessa said. “He’s alive. The magic has broken that was cast on him, having him forget about Creed’s mother, and now Creed is worried he will kill an entire tribe of innocent Dragons because once he realizes his mate is gone...”
“Holy shit, that’s amazing!” Osirus glared at Alaneo. “I’m just saying, I would love to meet the bloke, not the whole killing an entire tribe part,” he muttered.
“Creed needs to stop him. We just don’t know when the magic will break. Supposedly, it will slowly fall away after our mating, since Creed is connected to his father by blood.” Odessa explained.
“It will be quick.” Amora wandered into the room, her head bowed. “The black magic placed on me broke just ten hours after Nicholas and I mated. I remember everything.” Amora gripped her chest. I wanted to comfort her, but Nicholas was already there.
“Amora and I met shortly after I arrived at the tribe. The elders and Adam didn’t want to get rid of me since I was a powerful warrior and would prove to be beneficial. The cruelest part was Amora had figured out Adam wasn’t her mate, only to be cast with more of the memory dust.” Nicholas rubbed Amora’s shoulders.
“I also remembered the mating,” she spat. “Adam was cruel. Now I will live with it the rest of my days.” Nicholas held her tightly, his Dragon radiating its anger. I picked up Odessa. We both clung to Amora, feeling her heavy sobs.
“It will take time, my mate,” Nicholas breathed into her neck as our Dragons comforted her. “But I will seek revenge.” Nicholas’ eyes met mine. “We both will.” My Dragon wholeheartedly agreed. We would rip Adam to pieces, let him feel each claw detach from his body, and have him feel each sinew pull away from his gut.
“We will destroy him,” I growled. “And the tribe will be enlightened of his and the Elders’ evil.”
Chapter Fifty-Three
IlatchedontoAmora,feeling Creed’s sisterly bond with her was interesting. His love for her was unconditional, as was hers to him. Once our embrace broke, realizing the impending battle that would happen far sooner than I would have liked, I heard an all too familiar squeal from one of my newest friends.
“Oh, my gawwwds! It’s so adorable! The Dragons loving each other like that, isn’t it, Tangle? I have never seen such a cute lovey session with hot-headed Dragons.” Tangle pulled Daine back, laughing silently, and hushing him with a kiss.
“You are being a bit too loud. They may not appreciate the sentiment.” Tangle whispered.
Creed growled at Daine. He wasn’t a fan of his. Daine wasn’t my best friend, but he could certainly make me laugh. Other Elven men came up behind them. They were dressed in thick leather with metal plates covering their chests. Zaos was nowhere to be found.
“Little thorn, keep your lips zipped if you want to hang out with Odessa later.” Daine pretended to lock his lips with his finger, obnoxiously throwing an invisible key away.
“Greetings.” Tangle bowed to King Osirus. “On Zaos’ command, he sends a small platoon to help the Dragons. We may be small in numbers, but we wish to help protect Odessa, who softened the Black Dragon. Zaos sends his regards but is currently protecting the territory.” I blushed; I did nothing to soften Creed, he was already soft to begin with.
“I’ll take all the help I can get. Your squadron will oversee Odessa for the entirety of her stay. Creed and Nicholas will have to return to the Toboki tribe and deal with some… issues.” Osirus glanced to our side of the room, eyeing both Creed and Nicholas.
“As will I.” Amora stepped out of our embrace. Nicholas grabbed her hand, soothing it with his thumb.
“I would rather you not. Look at what he has done to you. You are no killer, Amora.” Amora rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand.
“I don’t care. I’ll kill him ten times over,” she whispered. “What he has done to Creed, to me, his mother, he deserves it.” I scratched the side of my arm, continuing to scratch out of a nervous habit. Was I going to go too? To defend Creed? I wasn’t a weak human anymore. I was a Dragon, but even my Dragon was hesitant to help defeat his traitorous half-brother.
“No,” Creed whispered in my ear. “I don’t want you to.”
“But why? Amora is going. I’m strong now, yes?” Creed's hand cupped my cheek. Tangle, speaking with Osirus about guarding, patrolling, and rooms for the men to stay in, paused, listening to our conversation.
“Your Dragon is special, Odessa.” My head leaned into Creed’s hand, having him hold up my heavy head. His words were hypnotic, the sweetness when he spoke to me was there but it was commanding all the same. “I’m not sure what you and your Dragon will bring, but you are not made for fighting. Your body type isn’t made to be a warrior, you are far more special.”
My body slumped. Everyone was still stronger than me. I still couldn’t care for myself.