“Creed! What’s this!?” Odessa’s head popped up out of the foliage. We had traveled a few miles from the cave, gathering more wood for the fire. I needed to be prepared as the winter months approached. We had strayed from the cave. I wrapped her in my cloak again, ensuring my smell would ward off any unmated males. She kept her head covered, but her gleaming eyes took in every detail of the wooded mountain.
Odessa’s hand was held out while a few snow flakes fell quietly into her hand. “It’s a light pastel blue? There is purple too, and look, now an iridescent looking one!” Her voice became louder. I came by her side to calm her so she would not grab attention from anyone that may lurk by. I couldn’t be too careful when an entire nation was looking for her, even my kind.
Luckily, only a few ventured near my cave or the surrounding area near the Elves.
Pulling out the worn leather, I wrote a quick word, ‘snow.’ Her adorable nose scrunched into a scowl. “No, snow is white. These are all pretty little colors.” Her finger touched a flake, melting into her hand. “Huh, weird. This place gets weirder and weirder. Back home, it’s white. My dad and I used to make snow cream. We put tons of sugar and milk in it. It was so good!” She rubbed her stomach, pretending to eat. “This stuff looks like it would taste like cotton candy.” Her tongue licked her hand, and she gagged.
“I think I had dirt on it.” I leaned my head back, and my Dragon scoffed a laugh.
Continuing to pick up sticks because Creed won’t let me pick up the logs he was splitting, I took the branches and dumped them into a pile for Creed to grab. The entire area was now clean of the fallen sticks. I was stuck doing nothing. Creed only liked certain trees for his wood to chop down. Most of them, I noticed, were older and turning sickly. As I watched, I saw how Creed was very in tune with nature, inspecting each tree for imperfections and using those as our firewood.
I was happy for more wood because that meant a warm cave. Creed didn’t enjoy having the fire on in the night, though. I think it was because he wanted me to lie on his chest all night. He’s a pretty sneaky Dragon, I giggled to myself. I didn’t mind, so I let him get away with it.
Creed was well rested, a skip in his step. His personality has considerably brightened this morning. There was a new light in his eyes. Maybe he needed a release because, heckers, I really enjoyed mine.
Creed’s eyes glanced towards me, wondering what I was laughing at, but I stuck my foot on the purple crazy moss and watched the lights fly towards my face. He chuckled, taking his ax and hammering it down on the log, landing with a thud.
Creed had his vest off, and his muscles flexed at each hit of the log. His leather pants tightened as he bent over to put his newly gained log into the ever-growing pile. Every movement he made was fluid, and graceful, like the Dragon he was. His arm flexed, showing his triceps as he tossed another log into his pile. Suddenly, the air didn’t seem so cold. My body heated while my cheeks flushed. I’ve never been so attracted to any man or supernatural in my life as that of my Dragon.
The thought of him being in just his loincloth above me in the bed flashed through my mind. The pearls of sweat as he rubbed his thing right on my lady parts had me squirming in my cloak. Sure, I’ve seen him naked by the heated spring in the cave, but things were so much bigger up close, and I didn’t even look at it. I felt it.
My breasts felt heavy, the way he would touch them, kiss them, and put his mouth right on my skin. The tingles flew up my skin to not only between my legs but the beating of my heart. The heat in his eyes as he released his orgasm on me had me shiver with pleasure straight down… there. Creed was arousing. He sparked a new flame inside me, and it wasn’t some Dragon hiding inside my body. I desired to have more of him.
Creed’s head poked up, looking straight into the bushes in front of him, his Dragon’s tongue tasting the air. Surely, he couldn’t. Could he? Not this far? His nose flared as I saw his head turn, giving me his perfect side profile. He was searching for a smell, and I worried it was me. Dragons have an amazing sense of smell. This I knew well. I saw it in his eyes, his face, his nose as he stared at my naked body, glancing at my lady parts like he wanted to…
He knows I’ve got the hots for him right now. I grasped the cloak tighter, rubbing my elbows. Creed has been so obsessed with kissing, and now that we didthatlast night, he wouldn’t surely do it outside, would he? Oh gosh.
Fluffy was gnawing on a bone. I quickly grabbed it and threw it to the other side of the tall bushes. Fluffy darted off, and I followed, pretending to be playing with his pet. Creed’s eyes landed on me. I smiled and jumped to find Fluffy, growling playfully, rolling in the tall bushes. Following Fluffy, I could still see him tasting the air with his Dragon tongue, but I couldn’t bear to go near him now. My face was not only pink because of the cold, but pink from sheer embarrassment! His eyes followed exactly where I was while I peeked through the bushes; he was not returning to his wood splitting.
I couldn’t help it. He was just so muscular, meaty. I was a needy hot mess, and it didn’t help that he was the sweetest man I had ever met. Slapping my cheeks a few times to get my head out of the gutter and stop picturing his abdominal muscles flexing as he pushes his large…
Fluffy growled violently, stopping in his tracks. I could see the top of his head inside the overgrown bushes to find his teeth grinding at helpless prey. It was a deer, a doe that was sprawled, withering in pain. She panted, unable to get up from the small nest she had formed for herself. “No, Fluffy!” I pushed him to the side to leave the poor thing alone. Fluffy snapped until I swatted his nose. His whimpering face met mine, his broken spirit whining at my sudden reprimand. Again, the doe panted, huffed, and made small miserable noises.
Fluffy cowered behind me, curling up and watching the scene unfold. “Fluffy, no means no,” I shamed him again. Petting his head, letting him know he was forgiven, I turned to the doe.
“Are you hurt?” I knelt. Her head lay on the branches beside me. Petting her gently, her tense body softened, only to hear a hurtful moan. “What’s wrong?” Creed’s warm body knelt beside me. The doe, sensing a Dragon’s presence, tried to get up, only for us to feel a vibration in the soil. It came from Creed’s chest. It was so deep it sunk into the dirt, rattling the bushes of the freshly fallen snow. The doe abruptly relaxed and laid her head back on the snow.
Creed’s vibration calmed the doe, much like it does to me at night when I wake up from a nightmare. His hand petted the doe’s side stomach. Grasping my hand, he had me touch her stomach as well. Movement, jerky, swift movements slid across her body.
“She’s pregnant,” I whispered. Creed went to the animal's rear, where two little hooves had become stuck. Creed put one hand on the animal and his other large hand on the hooves. He pulled when the doe made a cry of pain. Her howling filtered through the falling snow. His Dragon’s heat amplified around us, his eyes frequently looking at me as I watched in awe. His heat melted the surrounding snow, almost so warm I didn’t need my cloak.
Creed’s concentration was completely on the animal before him. His look was stern, focused as he helped the doe give birth to two tiny baby fawns. Once they lay on the ground next to their mother, I let out a happy sigh of relief. They were both breathing, nudging their mother to feed. The doe continued to lick one clean while Creed and I tended to the other. “They are so small!” I cooed, wiping some of the afterbirth with a rag. “So fragile.” I petted the mother, who could now sit up.
Unlike the animals of Earth, this one looked at both of us with such gratitude. Her features were soft, and tender, and her tiny tongue licked the side of my cheek. I had done nothing but watch her bring life into the snow falling around us.
Washing his hands with a cloth and his water skin, I stared up at Creed with admiration. He was a mighty Dragon, the ultimate predator in the forest, and he was helping a doe give birth. My nose sniffled, feeling the cold tickling my nose.
Creed reached into his bag, pulling out a clean rag to give me to wipe away my little tears and warm my nose. Who in this world decided to make Creed so alone? He deserved to be around every Dragon in that stupid tribe, and he deserved the world. If there was a way I could give him everything he ever wanted, I would. But here I was, as helpless as the doe.
Creed was more than any man, Dragon, or whatever other crazy creatures this world housed. He was an angel, my angel. I had only known him for a short time, but I didn’t care. Every girl on Earth would say I’m crazy, that it was too soon, but I wasn’t on Earth, and I didn't have any girlfriends, and I am the protagonist in my own story.
I was completely and utterly in love with Creed, the mighty black Dragon.
“Prince Charming,” I whispered. Creed put down his rag, his hands now clean from any afterbirth and dirty work. I cupped my hands to his face, and pecked at his lips. “You are amazing. Did you know that?” His eyes softened, wrapping his arms around my waist as we sat in the falling, colorful snow. The stains reflected the light of the whisps that had been following us all day. They circled us, pushing our bodies together.
My finger trailed his scar, his lip, and chin. No scar would ever scare me away from my Creed, no fang so fierce, no claw too sharp, I would always run back to my Dragon. “I think I was meant to be here, to find you. For us to find each other,” I confided. The wisps buzzed quickly, their movements sporadic while Creed and I touched our aching lips together again. His hand trailed up my back with one hand, and his other pushed me closer to his body.