Page 37 of The Exiled Dragon

Being kidnapped by my mother, and sent to live my life as a blood bag was the worst sentence. Sometimes I thought of taking my own life to end it all, to end the suffering. To no longer feel the pain of fangs piercing my skin every day. Now, I’ve realized you have to endure a little pain, a little suffering to understand how precious life is and how wonderful it is when you break through the mold holding you back.

There is sun after rain. There will be love after the pain. We both had our scars and our demons, but from now on, we didn’t have to fight it alone.

If I had died, I would never have found my Dragon. I would have never experienced true happiness. So, it all was worth it. I got the best prize of them all. My Creed and I hoped to have him all to myself.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Creed’snosewastomine, and his head tilted to plant his warm lips on the corner of my mouth. It was so tender, so soft for a man like himself. Instantly, I kissed him back, his hand tangling in my hair. Our bodies flushed together as the snow fell, the blue lights finally left us alone. Feeling his heartbeat next to my chest, I wanted him impossibly closer to me, to be one with him, because I never wanted to let him go. He wasn’t a Dragon trying to guard a treasure; he was the treasure.

His muffled moan had me gripping his shoulders, his own grip becoming tighter than usual. Tongue tickled my lips until he snuck his tongue inside. A loud cracking of branches sounded before I could utter a sound of appreciation. Our kiss halted, Creed burying my head into his chest, shielding me from what he thought was danger. The hood of my cloak fell backward, exposing my hair to the cold. His fierce Dragon growl radiated the area. There was no way anyone from a half a mile could not have heard it. A sound so deep it was amazing how well the noise penetrated the air from just his chest.

With a click of his mouth, Fluffy crawled to us, his head low, submissive to Creed’s tone. “Go.” his Dragon’s deep voice scratched Creed’s throat. He winced, but that didn’t deter my eyes from the large fangs in his mouth. He was transforming right in front of me. The smoke was climbing up his arms as I watched a fierce, enraged face of fury take over my sweet Dragon. I’ve never seen him mad, and this was Creed furious. Gasping as he put me on top of Fluffy, I grabbed the scruff of the fur. Creed slapped Fluffy’s behind, having me squeal from the quick jolt of his massive hindquarters. The power jolted us at least five feet away from Creed. Looking back, Creed had already transformed into his massive Dragon, knocking down trees in his wake. An imposing roar with fire leaving his nostrils burned into the tops of the trees. Snow melted, dropping little water droplets to the ground.

Fluffy pounded forward, his paws hitting the crispy snow that laid on the leaves. My grip grew tighter, fearing I would fall off and get left behind. It must have been something fierce for Creed to transform like that. All I heard was a small crack of a branch. Surely it could have been one of the massive rabbits or some other animal, right? Then again, I’ve never seen Creed lose his cool over anything until now. This mountain was so desolate I couldn't imagine a person stumbling upon us unless someone or something was looking.

Fluffy continued to pounce through the easing snow. It turned into a heavy mist of drizzle while his direction took us down the mountain. His paths were not organized, changing direction suddenly, stopping and going different ways. My hood and cloak fell to my shoulders, but I dared not pull them back up. I didn’t want to be left behind for an inevitable enemy I couldn’t see.

The woods became scarce, the field that Creed had transformed into his Dragon showed appeared. The overcast hid both suns, causing a gigantic shadow across the field. Fluffy didn’t stop there, trotting along the line of trees next to the little blue lights fluttering in the grasses.

No signs of life, from what I could see. The field was empty of any larger animals or Vampires. I took one hand, daring to clutch the cloak, putting the hood back over my head. The dampness from the drizzle had me shiver and the mud now splattered underneath Fluffy, and my body stuck to us heavily.

I felt so exposed out in the open, just trotting along the tree line. What if the Vampires were still looking for me? The crazy blood bag stupid enough to come down the mountain.

“Fluffy, go back into the woods.” I leaned towards the mountain, but he continued on, hugging the tree line. “Come on!” I hissed, trying to get his attention. He shook his head like he understood. Grunting in annoyance, I let go, only for him to get spooked by a movement up ahead. I fell with a thud in the mud, the whole side of my face covered in a putrid stink. The mist became heavier; the weather patterns here completely sucked and made no sense. One minute it is snowing, and the next, it’s raining. Why don’t you make up your mind!?

Standing up, knocking most of the thick globs from my cloak, I looked at Fluffy, whose hair was standing up on his neck. He backed up to cover me with his body. Looking over him, there was no movement in the trees, and the bushes were completely still. “It’s probably a chipmunk or something,” I whispered to calm myself. Surely that is all this was. My hand went to Fluffy’s back, feeling the stiffness of his body. It was anything but a chipmunk. The days had been too quiet. Something was going to break me out of my sweet solitude with Creed. It was inevitable.

The thick bushes parted, and several men appeared with long spears, wearing cotton-like clothing of browns and greens, enough to camouflage themselves with nature. The trees ahead were much taller, more tangled with branches and limbs that intertwined to make heavier branches. They reminded me of thick vines that would climb up a wall of a building or lattice.

First two, three, and four more came out of the dense, darkened forest. Their faces were coated with either paint or mud to help them blend. If they weren’t moving, I’m sure I would not see them in front of me. The whites of their eyes brightened as they continued closer. Fluffy, giving off a warning growl, lowered into a defense position.

“What smells funny?” a child-like voice radiated from behind one man. All of their shorter statures than that of Creed had someone smaller still poke out behind the leader.

“I told you to stay back.” The leader’s stern voice held no room for argument. This little child’s head went behind him, holding the back of his shirt.

“Who are you?” his right hand said. “You are trespassing and we don’t recognize your scent. You must be a rogue.” The heckers is a rogue?

“I-I’m Odessa. I’m kind of new here.” My grip on Fluffy tightened, my body turning so I could quickly mount him to take off again.

“New? What do you mean?” The man on the left elbowed the leader, whispering into his ear.

“You are going to have to come with us.” He stepped forward, the child now standing alone, watching intently. Shaking my head, I mounted Fluffy, everyone’s spears pointed towards me.

“No, I don’t think so,” I trailed. I would not get captured again. One time was enough with a bunch of Vampires, and I can’t tell what these things are. I just knew they weren’t human. Their eyes and skin glowed heavenly even with the different shades of light green they held on their skin.

“I’ll go back where I came from. Just forget I was here.” I whispered, ‘go,’ to Fluffy, and he leaped out of the way of a charging camouflaged being that had come up behind us. They weren’t just in front of us but all around us. How could I have not heard them coming?!

Fluffy roared, showing his teeth. His claws swiped several times, causing one man to bleed profusely. As quickly as the injury came, the arm healed. Nothing surprises me anymore. Vampires could heal quickly. Why can’t everything else? Except me, because that would be too darn easy.

“Come on!” I gritted my teeth as Fluffy jumped over two men and headed back into the forest. His claws slipped in the mud, not getting a good enough grip for us to speed faster through the trees. Unfortunately, the men behind us used that to their advantage. They continued to gain as Fluffy took a slip and fell onto his shoulder, having my knee land with it. Yelping out in pain and unable to push Fluffy off me, I was a sitting duck. Fluffy’s body wasn’t moving off me. He was barely breathing. A fall like that should not have hurt him that bad. Sitting up, his body was still. The small puffs of breath were slow and deep until I saw a dart in his lower leg. Pulling it out, I studied it, feeling a sharp pain in my back.

Before I could even pull it out of my back, my eyes grew heavy. Groaning, I laid my head down onto the wet mud, unable to move and my lids drastically fighting to stay awake.

“A human,” one spoke, hovering over my body. “I haven’t seen one in ages. They are weak; don’t worry, though.” I wanted to scoff. I could put up my own fight if I needed to. I’ll kick him right where the sun doesn’t shine when I wake up. His blonde hair sparkled against the hazy rain dripping on us. He couldn’t be much taller than me, but when he turned his head, I knew he couldn’t be anything like me. Pointed ears stuck straight out from behind his hair.

“Right, let’s get going then. Bring the animal. It’ll make a good meal.” One pulled the animal off my leg, so that was something else to be wary about. They are strong. Just like everything else.