“I love you, Callyn Jean,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “Always will.”


THE CONVO WITH EMMA’Sparents was a little chaotic. They were so panicked about Emma being in the hospital that I sort of threw in the marriage thing, but I could tell that it didn’t resonate, so they were going to find out when they got here, which would take a few hours. I said I was staying with her and they thanked me. They weren’t bad people, they just had bad priorities for their only daughter.

Sofia also stayed with me and I thanked them over and over again until they told me to stop.

“I don’t even know you and this is my first day, but you’re doing all of this. Don’t you have an office to run?” They waved that off.

“Look, work isn’t everything. That’s probably not what other bosses would say, but it’s not. I used to work a job that sucked up all my time and energy and I gave and gave and gave and I didn’t pay attention to my husband and then he had a massive heart attack when he was thirty-five. I lost him and I lost that time because I put work first. Yes, your job is important, but the things outside of work are more important.” I had never met a boss who talked like that. I think I was going to like this job.

“I’m here to support you, in whatever way that is. Right now it’s being here. Down the road it might be helping you gain new skills so you can be better at your job. It might be a million different things, but that’smyjob.” They said it like that was no big deal. Wow.

“This is the weirdest first day of work I’ve ever had,” I said, and we both laughed.

“It will only go up from here, I promise,” they said, and I believed them.


EMMA HAD A FRACTUREDleg and two cracked ribs, a concussion, and some bruising, but no internal bleeding, so that was great. She was going to be fine after a short hospital stay, and then we were going to have some recovery time. She’d already emailed her professors and taken medical leave. I asked Sofia if I could have a few days off to take care of her and they didn’t have to let me, but said that they would, and I gave them a hug, which probably wasn’t appropriate, but I didn’t care. They had been here for me today and I didn’t know if I would have been able to get through it without their help.

They moved Emma into a room and I hung out with her and watched bad TV and brought her food when she wanted snacks. I also found out where the nurses got their coffee from and got myself a cup, as well as one for Emma.

Her parents showed up and her mom was a complete wreck, and her dad gave me a tight smile. We’d known each other for so long, but it was still a little awkward being around them. Especially now that I was married to their daughter and in love with her and they had no idea.

“Mom, I’m going to be okay. I have Callyn,” Emma said, throwing me a look.

“Yeah, I’m going to take good care of her.” I tried to ask Emma with my eyes if I should tell them about the marriage and the love, but I don’t think she got the memo.

“Mom, dad, I have something to tell you,” she said, reaching out to me.

“Oh, are we doing this now?” I asked, but I went to her.

“Yeah, we’re doing this now. No better time.” I took her hand and squeezed it. I looked at her parents and they were giving us confused looks.

“We’re together. And we’re married,” Emma said.

“You’re what?!” her mother screeched, and Emma’s father put his hand on her shoulder.

“Cheryl, calm down. Let’s not make a scene.” They really didn’t like scenes.

“You’re married? When did you get married? Were you going to tell us? What is going on with you, Emma?” I looked at Emma and she just gave me a smile. I think she was on some pretty decent painkillers that had just kicked in.

“You want to take this one?” she asked, and closed her eyes. “I’m suddenly very tired.” With that, she fell asleep, and I had to deal with my new in-laws.

It took a lot of talking and reiterating what had happened and the fact that, yes, I did love their daughter, and no, I hadn’t always known it myself. They hadn’t known Emma was in love with me, but they weren’t surprised after the initial shock.

They actually took it better than I thought they would, and Emma eventually woke up.

“I have to go get Vegas soon,” I said, looking at the clock. The day had flown by somehow. I didn’t want to get the puppy and then have to go home and be in the apartment by myself, but that was what I was going to have to do. I didn’t like it.

“Listen, just video chat me. That way it’s like we’re together, and then I can see Vegas.” That was a perfect idea.

“What’s Vegas?” Emma’s mom asked.

“We got a dog,” Emma said. “It’s not a big deal.” I could feel Cheryl wanting to say something else, but her husband hushed her and ushered her out of the room and into the hall to give us some privacy.

I agreed that I would video chat with Emma as soon as I got back, and kissed her until we were both completely breathless, and not just because Emma had a few cracked ribs.