“I’m going to miss you so much,” I said, even though I’d be back here tomorrow as soon as I could drop Vegas off. Everything else was going to be on hold while I took care of Emma. Her parents were going to stick around in case she needed anything as well, so I would have to keep dealing with them. I guess since they were my in-laws now, I’d have to adjust to it.

Vegas was so happy to see me, and I felt horrible when he ran around the apartment like he was looking for Emma.

“She’s not here, but she’s in the phone, come here, sweetheart.” I called Emma and she came up immediately.

“Hey,” she said. Sounded like she’d had another round of painkillers.

“Look, it’s mama,” I said to Vegas, and he started licking the phone.

“Okay, okay!” I pulled it away from him and tried to get off the worst of the slobber.

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay,” Emma said through a yawn. Something told me this was going to be a short conversation.

“Before you completely pass out, I want to remind you that I love you, and I love our life together and I love you and I love you.” I couldn’t stop saying it now.

“I love you and I love you and I love you,” she mumbled, her eyes half-closed. Oh, she was cute when she was doped up. I was going to enjoy that a little too much.

“Goodnight, my love,” I said. She yawned again and the phone fell to the bed and the chat ended.


SHE WAS A LITTLE MOREchipper the next day, and had her cast on and her ribs wrapped when I got there. I had to help her to the bathroom, and she got mad at me for helping her and not calling for a nurse, but I said I was her wife and I had the privilege of helping her pee when she needed help. Someday, she could pay me back.

Emma was in the hospital for a whole week, and then her ribs had healed enough for her to get around with crutches and we went home. Vegas was beyond confused by the cast and kept trying to bite it, but he couldn’t do much damage.

“I can’t wait until I have just a brace on it. I want to take a normal shower.” Every time she needed to bathe, we had to wrap up the cast in a bunch of bags and it was a whole production that always had me laughing and Emma frustrated. She was not a good invalid.

We ended up ordering a lot of food because I was too tired from taking care of her and the puppy to cook. Whatever, I was putting it all on my credit card. The pay at my new job would take care of it, when I eventually was able to work and get paid. I’d been in contact with Sofia and they had been so great about everything.

Reece was actually coming over tomorrow so I could get back to work. Our other friends were also taking shifts to make sure Emma could get to the bathroom and didn’t have any emergencies. I was also one phone call away, and could come home if she needed me.

“This was not what I planned,” Emma said, after one week of being home from the hospital and fumbling around with the crutches.

“I don’t think most people plan to fracture their leg and crack their ribs, Em,” I said, as she slowly toppled over on the couch.

“I know. But I still don’t like it. Although, one good thing did come out of all this,” she said, as I sat down next to her and started playing with her hair.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“You finally figuring out that you loved me.” Oh, that.

“I mean, it probably shouldn’t have taken you getting in a car accident for me to get my shit together.” She laughed.

“At least you got there,” she said, looking over her shoulder at me.

“I did. You’re my wife, my go home, my ride-or-die, my everything, my forever, my one true love, my best friend.” Our eyes locked and we had one of those moments that seemed to stop time.

“It was worth all the pain to hear you say that, Callyn. You’re my best friend too.” That was the most important because it was where we had started. No matter what else Emma was to me, she was always that.

“Oh, by the way, getting married was my idea,” Emma said. “I was drunk, but I remember everything.”
