When Ralph Lauren gets announced, all the kids and teens line up. Skyla has made a few friends, so I give her some space and tell her I’ll be here when she’s done. There are months and months of prep that go into getting everything ready for these shows, and oftentimes I’m too busy to actually enjoy what’s happening around me, but today, with Skyla a part of it, I’m actually stopping and taking the time to watch and enjoy the show.

Skyla—dressed in an adorable tile-print mini-skirt with a matching top, leggings, and black leather boots—walks out onto the runway doing exactly as she was told and practiced. The cameras flash as she hits the end and then turns around to walk back. I look out and find Jase watching his daughter, a large grin splayed upon his face. He looks every bit the proud father. And my heart has never felt so full.

“I want her,” Brenna murmurs into my ear. “She’s going to be the next you.”

I laugh softly. “No, she’s going to be so much more.” And then I turn to find Skyla. She’s stepping back behind the scenes and her eyes lock with mine. Her smile is so wide, so pure, I want to bottle it up and save it.

“That was…amazing!” She squeals. “Thank you!”

“You were amazing,” I tell her. “And being here, watching you has inspired me to consider creating my own children’s and teen lines.”

“Can I help you?” She clasps her hands together.

“Of course!”

* * *

Jase: Hey gorgeous…

Jase: I have a big favor to ask of you

Jase: Like huge

Jase: Gigantic

Jase: A word bigger than gigantic

Jase: I’ll make it worth your while ;)

I’ve just finished holding a meeting with my team—to go over the details of the buyers who have contacted Leblanc after seeing the show—and have found two seconds to look at my phone. This week has been insanely crazy in an amazing way. There is nothing more magical, or exhausting, than putting on a fashion show. It’s been a few years since I’ve stopped modeling and have attended the shows strictly as a designer, but the butterflies still appear with every show, and I hope they never go away. They remind me that my dreams have come true. That everything I’ve worked hard for is finally in my hands. But as I stare at Jase’s texts, and my heart speeds up, I’m reminded that there’s more to life than career goals. It’s why I broke things off with Chad. Because I want more. I haven’t seen Jase since Skyla’s big debut into the modeling world, but we’ve talked every night on the phone, even if it’s at four in the morning when I finally collapse into bed. For the first time, I’m looking forward to the craziness dying down. In the past, I lived for every fashion show, for the long days and even longer nights, but now it feels like it’s only keeping me away from where I really want to be, which is with Jase and Skyla.

Me: anything

I’ve only just hit send when my phone rings. “Hello?”

“I was worried I scared you off with my hundred text messages,” Jase says with a strained laugh.

“Sorry, it’s been insane around here.”

“Everything okay?”

“Oh yeah, great actually. We’ve already surpassed the number of buyers for the fall line than what we originally projected.”

“That’s amazing! Congratulations,” Jase exclaims.

“Thank you.” Then I remember the point of this call. “Is everything okay on your end? I saw all your texts.”

“Yes, actually everything is great here as well. Have you ever heard of Max Harper?”

“The rapper?” I ask, confused.

“Yeah. I guess he has some reality show, and the producer called and said Max wants to come in for a tattoo. Apparently Killian recommended me at some event.”

“Wow! That’s awesome. Are they going to film it?”

“Yeah, it will be incredible publicity for the shop.”

“What do you need from me? Want me to dress you?” I joke. “I think I have a nice suit that would look rather dapper on you.”

Jase laughs. “Nah, I got my wardrobe covered.”

“So you’re going with your usual jeans and a white T- shirt?”

He laughs again. “Am I that predictable?”

“Yeah, but I think we got off subject. What’s the huge, gigantic favor you need from me so badly that you’re willing to make it worth my while?”

“Right. Quinn is attending some last minute function with her boyfriend and she was supposed to keep an eye on Sky. The producer said they don’t want a kid on the show, and even if they did allow her to be on it, I don’t really want her here at the shop. I imagine guys will be cursing and talking about things I don’t want my thirteen year old daughter to hear. So I was wondering if you could watch her.” I smile inside at how good of a dad Jase is. The guy is going to be on television and his biggest concern is making sure his daughter is taken care of and isn’t exposed to anything that might affect her in a negative way.