“Of course, I can. When?”

Jase is silent for a second before he says, “Now?”

“Ahhh…” I laugh, now understanding why this is such a huge favor. “Where is she?”

“At home. Quinn had to leave to get ready. She’s okay being left alone. I’m just not sure how long I’m going to be. Quinn offered to bring Sky to the charity gala, but I don’t want to put her out. She’s not even sure if she could get her a seat and—”

“Jase, breathe.” I laugh. “I’ll head over there now.”

He releases a soft breath. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”



“Look, man, you don’t need to thank me. That’s what friends are for. Besides, your work speaks for itself,” Killian says. I’m on my way home from the shop. The episode has been recorded, and Max Harper has been permanently tattooed with a custom piece, designed and inked by me. It’s crazy. He posted one image, tagging the shop on Instagram, and we all spent hours making appointments—including the new receptionist, Evan, that Celeste found for me. The guy will be apprenticing with us at the shop while working in the front. It works out perfect.

Shocked over the fact that all of us are now booked well into September and the episode hasn’t even aired yet, I called Killian, wanting to thank him again for recommending Forbidden Ink.

“Did everything go okay?” he asks.

“Everything went smoothly. Luckily, the tattoo he wanted wasn’t too bad.” I laugh. “I’ve seen some ugly as hell tattoos shown on those shows. The episode will be airing next month, and this will without a doubt be a game changer for the shop. You can’t pay for this type of advertisement.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen some, and not even the best artist can make them look good. I’m glad it all worked out.”

“It did, so thanks.”

Killian chuckles into the phone. “No problem. What are you up to tonight?”

“I actually just pulled up to my house,” I say, putting my car in park and stepping out. “Celeste watched Sky for me.”

“Celeste, huh?” Killian laughs. “Giselle told me a little about your past. I never would’ve guessed you and Celeste would’ve had a past…or a present.” I know he doesn’t mean it as a dig. It’s merely an observation, but his words remind me once again how different Celeste and I are.

“Yeah, I guess she doesn’t usually date guys like me,” I say, leaning against the side of the car.

“Nah, I didn’t mean it like that,” Killian says, trying to backpedal. “She just usually… shit, okay, it’s exactly what I meant.” We both laugh.

“I get it. We’re complete opposites. I know it doesn’t make any sense. But trust me when I tell you there’s so much more to her than what she lets people see.”

“Yeah,” he agrees. “That’s what Nick has always said, and my wife is good friends with her. I guess I don’t really know her all that well. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned this past year, it’s not to judge a book by its cover.”

After talking for a few more minutes, we end the call with Killian telling me he’s found a new piece he wants tatted, and that he’ll be calling me tomorrow to schedule.

When I unlock the door and step inside my house, I hear the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen. I throw my keys into the key bowl and head that way to check it out. I was going to pick up dinner, but when I texted Celeste, she told me she and Skyla were taking care of it.

“I’m home,” I say as I step around the corner.

“Jase!” Celeste laughs.

“Dad!” Skyla giggles.

I glance around at the destroyed kitchen, confused as to what the hell happened in here. There is what looks like flour everywhere. On the counters. All over the floor. It looks like it snowed in my kitchen. Celeste’s hair is tinted white, and so are Skyla’s clothes. They’re both standing on opposite sides of the kitchen and holding balls of something gooey in their hands.

“What happened?”

Celeste laughs again then steps toward me. “Try this. Tell me what you think.” She holds her fingers up, which are holding what looks like cookie dough, and brings them to my lips. “Open,” she says playfully, so I do. She places a small bite of dough into my mouth, and Skyla’s giggles get louder.

“Is it good?” Celeste asks. I chew the bite and swallow. It’s a tad bit salty.

“Delicious,” I say, and she grins.

“Ha!” She looks at Sky

“Try mine, Dad.” Sky hands me a piece of dough. I chew and swallow.

“How does mine taste?” It tastes like there’s way too much vanilla.

“Delicious,” I tell her.

“So, whose is better?” Sky asks. Oh, shit… I didn’t see that coming.

“They’re both delicious.”

Celeste cackles devilishly. “I think he needs to try some more,” she tells Sky, who grins mischievously.