Page 62 of Wolf of the Sand

Mushuri, Khan's uncle, was a high priest at the temple of Ea, situated in the middle of the city. Khan already had a list of questions to ask him about Fen's magic. He would have preferred to spend an afternoon meandering, getting reacquainted with the city of his heart with the woman who was slowly stealing it.

Khan had hated seeing Fen cry earlier but knew he couldn't hide his vision from her any longer. If anyone could understand the god's decision to toy with her, it would be her.

A small, selfish part of Khan wanted her to be angry at them and stay in Aaru. He was fighting not to let that selfishness fester. Fen had her choices taken from her by her gods and then the slavers. He wouldn't be another person to do that to her.

Fen hung onto his hand, asking questions and delighting in the new city. She stared wide-eyed at the chimeras the size of horses, and he couldn't wait to show her the flying unit.

Show her everything, and maybe she will choose to stay.

Khan's thoughtful brooding stopped when they reached the twin's family home.

The door crashed open, and Aunt Nousha squealed and squeezed the air out of him. She was a plump, happy version of Kemes, and Khan quickly kissed her brown cheeks.

"She wasn't this excited to see us," Kemes commented.

Nousha ignored her daughter and patted Khan's stomach. "My baby, didn't they feed you in Ankhara? You've gotten so skinny. My poor sister would be weeping in the Afterlife to see how you have wasted away."

Khan looked over the top of her head and said to Fen, "Yes, she is always this dramatic."

Nousha pinched him. "Bite your tongue. I only speak the truth. You must be Fen! Tch, you poor dear, taken from your home and then stuck with these louts. Come, come, I'll take care of you." Nousha took a surprised Fen's hand, and they disappeared into the house.

"She'll be okay," Kashmet said and chuckled. "Fen looks like she could use some mothering."

Inside, Khan was overwhelmed with memories of running wild through the house, Nousha cleaning his skinned knees and feeding him as much as he could eat. The house was three stories high and full of bookcases, decorative trinkets, paintings, and sculptures created by Nousha. Her greatest delight was creating a beautiful and welcoming home.

The top floor belonged to Mushuri, and it was a veritable magician's cave of books, scrolls, star charts, telescopes, experiments, sigil designs, and burning altars to Ea.

The house had always been a safe place for Khan, where there was no expectation of him to be anything but himself. Being inside its walls made him miss his mother so much that his chest ached. It had been twenty years since her death, but he still felt the loss of her.

And yet, you don't even mourn for your father. Khan pushed the guilt aside and went to find Fen, his unforeseen blessing in all the mess his life had become.

"So pretty and no bond braid to say that you are attached to anyone. My darling, you are going to break some hearts."

"What is a bond braid?" Fen asked, and Khan's stomach did the strangest of flips.

Nousha lifted her hair to show the tiny woven plait tucked behind her ear. "This braid is a marriage braid. Different weaves mean different things in Atrahasis. Sargon has a widow braid, but if you want my opinion, he should have taken it out years ago and let himself be loved again."

"Auntie, you know that's a losing battle," Khan chided.

"I never stop praying for my father to find someone who will make him happy. Not that you can talk. Five years in Ankhara and still single as ever."

"Kash and Kemes don't have partners either," Fen pointed out, coming to Khan's rescue.

Nousha cast her eyes to heaven. "Great, Inanna, what did I do to deserve such loveless children."

"I have plenty of love," Kashmet argued. He winked at Fen. "I just like spreading it around."

"Like a disease," Kemes sniffed.

Nousha ignored her children and set about brewing mint tea and pushing plates of baked sweets at Fen.

"I can see why you missed Atrahasis so much," she said to Khan.

He took an almond pastry from a plate. "Can you also see why I was a plump child? She never stops baking."

Fen rolled her eyes. "How awful for you. It's okay, I'll eat yours." She snatched the treat from his hand and put it in her mouth.

"You monster!" Khan started tickling her, and Fen hurried to swallow.