Page 63 of Wolf of the Sand

"Stop, stop, I'm injured! Kemes, help me!"

Kemes laughed at them. "Absolutely not."

Nousha was watching them, her eyes dancing. "You two are cute, but there's plenty more almond cookies, Fen. You don't have to steal Khan's."

"His taste better," she replied, giving Khan a sly look that sent heat streaking through him. Kashmet elbowed him in the side, and he quickly looked away.

"You're getting obvious, cousin," Kashmet murmured. The women were talking and ignoring them completely.

"Obvious about what?"

Kashmet sipped his tea. "I'm giving you two days to make your move, or I'm going to steal her from you."

"Don't be an ass."

"I'm not. As mother said, she has no bond braid."

Khan's eyes narrowed. "I will hurt you, Kash."

"You'd have to catch me first."

Kemes stuck her head between them. "What are we whispering about?"

"Khan not telling Fen how he feels."

"Oh, that. It's getting a bit boring." Kemes sighed dramatically. "Are you going to steal her, Kash? Or am I?"

"You are both bad people. Leave me be. If you haven't noticed, I have been a bit too busy to worry about my dick," Khan grumbled.

Kash patted him on the back. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's already dead from neglect."

Kemes grinned deviously as a demon. "I'm sure Fen would find a way—"

"Find a way to what?" Fen asked, her attention swiveling back to them.

"Find a way…to have fun at the festival tomorrow," Kemes stuttered.

"So much festival fun," her brother chimed in.

Khan rubbed at his temples. "Oh great, Ea, please remind me they are my cousins, and I can't hex them with a plague."

"I don't know about a plague, Khan." Fen tapped her chin. "But I know a good hex that would cause a pox to spring up on their favorite parts."

"You're bluffing. That's not a thing," Kashmet said, eyes narrowing.

"I have secret barbarian sex powers. There's no tellingwhatI can do when provoked," she replied without blinking.

Khan didn't think it possible, but he fell in love with her that little bit more.

Kemes, being Kemes, instantly asked, "What kind of sex powers? Can you teach them to Khan?"

She was saved from being strangled to death by the arrival of a frowning Sargon. He looked at the four of them bickering and muttered, "Well, this can't be good."

Khan's smile slipped. "Grandfather? What's wrong? Shouldn't you be in a council meeting?"

Sargon pulled out a small bronze cylinder, the type that would be fixed to a falcon's leg. "I've received news from Ankhara."

* * *