“Maybe because I know you.” I grin and give her a hug, but when I pull away, she’s frowning. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…it’s just…you know me so well, yet I had no idea you were”—Olivia looks around and whispers—“working every night. I’m such a horrible friend.” Tears pool in her lids and fall down, and I pull her in for another hug.

“Stop it. I kept it a secret from everyone. You couldn’t have known.”

“Known what?” Celeste asks.

Olivia’s eyes go wide, and she gives me an apologetic look.

“That Giselle and I are dating,” Killian says, pulling me into his arms. “We were hiding it for a while.”

Celeste’s face contorts into a look of disbelief. “Really? I thought you hated her almost as much as you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you,” Killian says. “And I definitely don’t hate Giselle.” He grabs my face and kisses me hard, his tongue quickly delving into my mouth. When we break from our kiss, he gives me a wink and a smile, and butterflies attack my belly.

“Okay…on that strange note…” Celeste stands. “I need to get going. I’m heading to Paris tomorrow morning.”

“You’ll be back for Reed’s baptism, though, right?” Olivia asks.

“Of course.” She makes her way around the table, giving everyone—besides Killian—a kiss on their cheek.

“Don’t you have something to say to her?” I nudge Killian.

“Hey Celeste, wait.” Killian stands and approaches Celeste. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the shit I’ve said to you. You might be friends with Nick, but I never took the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that.”

Celeste gives him an incredulous look like she’s waiting for the punchline. But when it doesn’t come, she says, “Okay…well, thank you…yeah….” She gives me a soft smile before she turns to leave.

Nick and Olivia are both staring at Killian, stunned as he walks back over and sits next to me.

“You ready to go?” he whispers into my ear. We spent the day going over what he wants done to his condo. We went to lunch and to several stores so he could show me what his tastes are. His likes: whatever I like. His dislikes: whatever I don’t like. When Olivia texted that we were meeting for dinner at six o’clock, and it was already five, Killian insisted on us driving together.

“Actually, I made plans for tonight,” I tell him. His jaw visibly ticks.

“Tonight is my night with you,” he comments.

“Until nine o’clock,” I counter and stand. “Reed, come give your favorite aunt some loving.” I pick up my sweet soon-to-be-godson and pepper kisses all over his face. He giggles and my heart melts.

“You ready?” Olivia asks me.

“Yep,” I answer her. Then I give Nick a smile. “Congratulations, soon-to-be-daddy of two. Tag, your it.”

He gives me a confused look.

“You weren’t around when your fiancée was pregnant the first time. The cravings, the night sweats, the freaking out if she was gaining the right amount of weight. Waking me up in the middle of the night to go out and buy her orange juice because she read it will make the baby move more.”

Nick laughs and Olivia groans.

“I can’t wait for every damn minute of it,” Nick says and gives Olivia a kiss. “I will gladly buy you orange juice at midnight, Brown-Eyes.” Olivia grins at the nickname he’s called her since the day they became reacquainted.

Then Nick pulls me into a hug. “In case I haven’t told you enough, thank you for being there for her.”

“You don’t have to thank me. She’s my best friend.”

“You’re more than that to her…to us…you’re family,” Nick points out.

“Thank you,” I say, trying not to get choked up.

I start walking toward the exit when a hand grips my arm. I feel a hard body against my back, and then I smell the sweet yet masculine scent that is all Killian. “You made me think you were going out with another guy,” he growls into my ear.

“You assumed that,” I say.

He chuckles. “I want you in my bed tonight.” My body stiffens at his words, and then he adds, “To sleep, Giselle. Just to sleep.” I make sure not to react to what he’s said, but inside, I’m not sure whether to smile that he enjoys my company enough to just want to simply spend time with me, or pout that deep down I was hoping he wanted to have sex with me. Because if he did, that would mean he wants me on a deeper level. One that allows him to be with me in a way that he hasn’t been with anyone in over ten years. Yet, at the same time the thought of him wanting me scares the ever-loving shit out of me because I’m not in a place to want that. I can’t want that.

“I can’t,” I say. “I’m hanging out with Olivia tonight.”