“All right,” he concedes. “But my bed will miss having you in it.”

I release a giggle. “Your bed or you?”

“Me…definitely me.”

Olivia and I end up riding back with Killian since we’re going to Nick’s place. He’s staying at our place with Reed. I told Olivia we could hang out on the patio, but she said if we were there, Nick or Reed might interrupt us and she wants some time with me alone.

Once we’re inside, we change into comfier clothes Olivia has here. I head out onto Nick’s balcony with a thick down comforter for us to bundle up in, and Olivia follows, bringing me out a glass of wine and her a bottle of water.

“Okay, start from the beginning,” she says, and I do. I tell her everything, beginning with my mom and her illness. I tell her about my paying for everything since my dad left us. And then I tell her about Killian being with me when my mom tried to commit suicide and how he went behind my back to help my mom get the treatment I couldn’t afford.

“I’ve only known Killian for a short time,” she says, “but I’ve never seen him so smitten before.” She giggles. “Nick thought maybe he was gay but didn’t want anyone to know.”

My thoughts go back to this morning when I woke up to Killian expertly eating me out. The way he fingerfucked me like it was his job, one he took seriously. My cheeks heat up and I’m thankful we’re sitting in the dark, so she can’t see just how affected I am.

“Trust me, Killian is not gay.”

Olivia giggles. “So, what are you going to do?”

“With what?”

“With your second job…you can’t date Killian and escort.”

“We’re not dating.”

Olivia gives me an oh please look.

We head back inside and Olivia’s phone goes off. She smiles and shows me the text. It’s of Nick and Reed lying in bed together blowing her a kiss.

“You should go home,” I tell her.

“What? No.” She shakes her head.

“Yes. Go home and be with your boys. I’ll call you a car, so you don’t have to catch a cab.”

“Wait, you aren’t coming?” she asks. Then she slowly nods her head. “You’re totally going to see Killian, aren’t you?”

“Your car will be here in ten minutes,” I say, not answering her question. A few minutes later, Olivia locks up Nick’s place. I walk her down and wait until she’s safely in the car. Then I head back up to Killian’s place.

I knock once, and he opens the door, his eyes slowly raking down my body. “Are you here to invite me to your sleepover?” He smirks playfully. I glance down and groan when I see I’m still wearing Olivia’s Victoria’s Secret Pink hoodie and sweats.

“Olivia went home. I was wondering if…uh…if you’re up for company?” I ask nervously, suddenly second-guessing my idea of inviting myself over.

But then Killian grants me a sexy lop-sided grin and says, “I’m always up for your company,” and my nerves are instantly calmed.

“Sons of Anarchy?” I suggest.

“Sounds good.”

We go straight to Killian’s room. He folds his comforter down and throws me a pillow. We climb into bed, but neither of us turn the television on.

“Did everything go okay with Olivia?” he asks. A few strands of my hair falls out of my bun, and Killian reaches over and tucks them behind my ear.

“It went good. We’re good.”

“I’m glad.”

“I guess I have you to thank.” I scoot closer to Killian. “Ever since you came into my life, it feels like everything has been turned upside down…in a good way.”

“I haven’t really done anything…” he begins to say, but I stop him.

“You took me to see my mom the day my dad left, you were there the day she tried to kill herself. It was your phone that saved her life. You sat with me in the hospital, you paid for her treatment…you even hired me so I wouldn’t have to have sex with other guys.” I lay my head down on Killian’s chest and my arm goes around his torso as I let out an exhausted yawn.

“When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark,” Killian murmurs, and even though I can’t see him, I know he’s smiling.

“That’s very sweet,” I tell him, “but it’s not from the book.”

“Damn it.” He laughs. “Google keeps failing me.”

“Read. The. Book.”

Those are the last words I say before I fall asleep in Killian’s arms feeling safer and more content than I’ve ever felt in my life.

* * *

I wake up to an empty bed. When I open my eyes, I notice there’s a note.

Good morning, beautiful,

Going to the gym with Nick. There’s coffee waiting for you. I’ll be back soon.

Xo Killian

After my heart picks up speed and the butterflies in my belly attack my insides, I roll over and grab my phone to check the time. It’s eight a.m. on a Sunday and I have no plans. Before I get out of bed to make myself a cup of coffee, I click on my emails to see if there’s anything new. There’s one from Bianca, confirming the upcoming week’s schedule. Of course my entire week consists of Killian. I smile at the thought of getting to spend my evenings with him. Whether I want to admit it or not, the man is growing on me.