No one answered the question allowing me to beat Morpheus a few more times before someone grabbed a hold of me pulling me back.

"No, let me kill him," I shouted, jerking at the hold on me.

"Calm down, pet." Wynn murmured from the side of me.

"We can't kill Morpheus with the council breathing down our necks. At least," Antoine stared down at the vampire. "Not yet anyway."

Morpheus grunted and touched his head where I'd bashed it into the tile, blood dripping down his face. "I'm touched. I didn't know you cared so much."

The hands on me slackened and I twisted out of their grasp. Marcus had been the one holding me. His answering frown to my glare only riled me further.

"Chill out," Allister smooth as silk words poured into my ears, pushing my anger down and replacing it with calm.

"She's going to be pissed as soon as your powers lose their effect on her," Drake commented from somewhere in the group.

"Better than having her give us more problems," Allister replied this time coming into my line of view and stroking the side of my cheek. "We can deal with a pissed off Piper easier if the rest of us aren't dead."

"What exactly doyou wear to meet a vampire council?" I mused, holding my closet door open.

"Whatever looks best on you, I suppose." Darren answered from our bed, not looking up from his book.

I shot a mischievous look over my shoulder. "I think if I wear one of you it might send the wrong message."

Darren stared at me for a long minute before his eyes widened and he blushed, dropping his gaze to the bed. "Oh. Yes. Well, the second-best thing then."

I hummed and flicked through my clothes. "Have you met the council? What are they like?"

Closing his book, he sat it in his lap and looked off to the side. "I've been with the family for a long time and in all that time I have only come across the council once."


Darren's eyes lifted to mine. "Let me just say it wasn't a walk in the park."

"That bad huh?" I grimaced, turning from the closet and walking over to the bed. I crawled up the mattress on my hands and knees. Stopping when I reached his legs, I laid my head in his lap and murmured, "Tell me it's going to be okay?"

Darren's hand stroked through my hair, sending a calm through me that I hadn't had in a long while. I was tired. Tired of running. Tired of fighting. I just wanted to live my life and not have to deal with hunters or vampire councils.

"I'm sure it will be fine. We won't let anything happen to you."

I lifted my head from his lap. "It's not me I'm worried about. It's Allister that's up for a crime he didn't commit."

Touching my cheek, Darren peered into my eyes. "I know. We will get to the bottom of this. They are trying to take down the Durands for a reason and we won't know until we talk to them. Don't forget the location of the council is the ticket to our freedom from the hunters."

"Yeah," I muttered, laying back down in his lap. "Maybe they'll take each other out and save us all the trouble."

"One could dream," Darren whispered, stroking my back up and down. "One could dream."